With the import of breeding cattle for $ 500 million in Kazakhstan, exotic diseases fell - Senator


With the import of breeding cattle for $ 500 million in Kazakhstan, exotic diseases fell - Senator

With the import of breeding cattle for $ 500 million in Kazakhstan, exotic diseases fell - Senator

Astana. March 4. Cassetag - with the import of breeding cattle for $ 500 million in Kazakhstan, exotic animal diseases were hit, Senator Akhylbek Kurishbayev said.

"In recent years, in Kazakhstan under the program:" Development of the export potential of meat cattle breeding "was carried out a massive bridge in breeding cattle in the amount of over 153 thousand heads. More than $ 500 million were spent on her purchase, including government subsidies. According to scientists, exotic, non-registered hazardous infectious diseases were delivered to the country, such as Schmallenberg's disease, infectious rinotracheit, viral diarrhea, moraxelles and others, which aggravated the difficult condition of the domestic system of veterinary medicine, "Kurishbayev said on Thursday On the discussion in the Senate of the draft law "On ratification of agreements on measures aimed at unifying breeding and tribal work with agricultural animals within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)".

As the senator, Kazakhstani society noted "I have not been aware of how many of this imported cattle and, in general, as far as the task is made in the project, although it is entitled to know because it is implemented not only at the expense of private investment, but also for the taxpayer money."

"In general, our ministries should be generally discovered, with the involvement of public audit to report to the people about the efficiency of public funds on such expensive projects, as is done in other countries. As for the created tribal livestock, it is now important to maintain and improve the existing population of farm animals. Our veterans - Agrariy remember well the fact that hundreds of thousands of breeding livestocks from Europe were delivered to Kazakhstan in the Soviet period to Kazakhstan, which over time lost their tribal qualities and disappeared without a trace, "the deputy noted.

In his opinion, "it is important not only to create conditions for their content, solve the problem of the feed base, and most importantly, systemic selection work is needed."

"In this regard, the use of innovative technologies in tribal animal husbandry, including genomic selection, has special significance. Since, only the molecular genetic analysis of the animal allows you to pre-predict its tribal value and ensures the effectiveness of selection selection. Therefore, in all developed countries, the improvement of breeding products is based on modern biotechnological research methods, including genomic selection. Unfortunately, in Kazakhstan, with the exception of individual companies, genomic selection in breeding work on a systematic basis is not used, which is a serious brake in matters of preserving and improving genetic resources of farm animals and, in general, the sustainable development of the livestock industry, "added parliamentarian.

Therefore, he noted, "This question relating to the formation of a domestic gene pool of farm animals we need to decide at the state level."

"To do this, to help our farmers, it is necessary on the basis of existing scientific laboratories to organize genetic research centers, allocation of targeted funding for the purchase of the necessary equipment and training. It is more intelligent, much cheaper and safer than the importance due to the border of the nea adaptation to our conditions of breeding livestock. An important admission to the improvement of breeding qualities and increase livestock productivity, especially in milk animal husbandry is the use of artificial insemination, "said Senator.

He brought the data of specialists, according to which the coverage of the livestock coverage of the dairy direction by artificial insemination in Belarus is 95%, in Ukraine - 90%, in Russia - at least 70%, in Uzbekistan - 55%, and in Kazakhstan does not exceed 15%, That is, four or six times less.

"From this example, it is clearly visible how we are technologically lagging behind our trading partners, including EAEU. The lack of modern farms, the lack of due breeding work and the imbalance of the feed base are the main causes of why we, having almost 2.7 million cows of the dairy direction, which is almost twice as much as in Belarus, can not provide milk and dairy products even their Population, "Curishbayev concluded.

The law "On ratification of the Agreement on measures aimed at the unification of selection and tribal work with agricultural animals within the EAEU" is approved by the Senate.

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