How to treat an apple tree and a pear if stains appeared on the leaves


    Good afternoon, my reader. The reason for the appearance of spots on the foliage of pears and apple trees becomes different pests and bacteria. It is necessary to identify the problem as early as possible, so as not to give it to spread and eliminate it in time.

    How to treat an apple tree and a pear if stains appeared on the leaves 17168_1
    How to treat an apple tree and a pear if stains appeared on the leaves of Maria Verbilkova

    The appearance of black spots on the leaves can be caused by fungal diseases with a pair and black cancer or bacterial burn.

    In the fallen trees, from early spring, dark spots appear in large quantities on the leaves. Gradually, the passage passes and fruit. The affected leaves dry out, and the fruits do not develop.

    To cope with the pair, it is necessary to start when the kidneys only bloom, spray a tree with a 3% burglar mixture. The second processing is made after flowering, using this time a 1% solution. After 3 weeks, the trees should be sprayed with the means "Horus" or "Sorrow", according to the instructions for drugs.

    How to treat an apple tree and a pear if stains appeared on the leaves 17168_2
    How to treat an apple tree and a pear if stains appeared on the leaves of Maria Verbilkova

    This disease is more likely from old trees. Black spots apply to all surfaces of the tree, up to leaves and fruits. As a result, the wood appears wounds requiring treatment.

    The plots affected by cancer should be removed, wounds to rinse with 5% iron vapor solution and coat after this layer of garden preparation. In order to prevent the tree, when the tree is flashing, it is necessary to treat it with a 1% burgundy mixture. For the second time, spraying is held a month after flowering.

    In the infected tree, black spots are spread over the entire surface, the leaves are black and twisted, the fruits are spoiled, not dose. The tree looks like it burned fire (hence the name of the disease).

    How to treat an apple tree and a pear if stains appeared on the leaves 17168_3
    How to treat an apple tree and a pear if stains appeared on the leaves of Maria Verbilkova

    The affected branches should be cut and processed a 1% copper sulfate solution. Next, spray the tree by Fungicide (you can take 5% "Azophos"). It is also recommended for the use of antibiotic "gentamicin" or "rifampicin". An ampoule or a pair of pills should be divorced in 5 liters of water.

    The cause of the appearance of red and brown spots can be a red-shall bent. Her larvae suck juices, attaching to the back of the leaves. Dark red spots appear on the top. The surface of the leaves boops, and the edges are twisted. The affected leaves dry and fall. The yield of the tree is reduced to the complete cessation of fruiting.

    The blooming red spots appear and when infected with a gallop tick, which primarily affects the pear. If you do not conduct treatment, then all trees in the garden will be infected with a tick. The affected leaves swell and dry out over time.

    Preparations are effective against these parasites:

    • "Neon"
    • "Tsunami"
    • "Tabazol"
    • "Inta-Vir" and others.

    From the folk remedies, they recommend infusion of onion husks (50 g), tomato tops (400 g), grated garlic (100 g). I infused for 15 hours a mixture spray sick trees once a week for a month.

    When apple trees and pears do not have enough nutrition, the leaves change the color to red. This means that they need phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, so it is necessary to periodically feed the trees. 4 times the season should be sprayed with solutions:

    • magnesium sulfate 20 g per 10 liters of water;
    • potassium salt 50 g per 10 liters of water;
    • Ammophos 20 g per 10 liters of water.

    The reason for the foliage of such spots is fungal rust. On top of the leaves appear reddish specks, and below the cone-shaped growths - Ezida. If the tree is not treated, it will die. The affected branches should be cut and treat the tree by Fungicide. For this purpose, preparations "Topaz", "Kumulus", "Vetra" are suitable. Repeat processing no earlier than in 2 weeks.

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