Chicken balls with bread in breading: Recipe for a delicious snack

Chicken balls with bread in breading: Recipe for a delicious snack 17135_1

The dishes from the chicken are very popular with the owners. But if you are tired of the usual cutlets or just fried trees, you can cook a more interesting dish - chicken balls with cheese in breading. And will share it with a recipe.

How to make chicken balls with cheese in breading?


  • Chicken mince - 450 grams
  • Italian herbs - half of a teaspoon
  • One egg
  • Bread crushers - a half cup
  • Mozarella - 400 grams
  • Parmesan - Two tablespoons
  • Frituary vegetable oil
Chicken balls with bread in breading: Recipe for a delicious snack 17135_2


  1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients.
  2. Mozarella cheese should be cut into small cubes. They should turn out about 15 pieces.
  3. Parmesan cheese should be grate in a small grater.
  4. In a small saucepan with a thick bottom pour vegetable oil.
  5. Put it on fire so that the oil is well heated.
  6. At this time, you can cook balls.
  7. In a small bowl, mix chicken minced meat, two tablespoons of breaded superstars, Italian herbs, egg, one teaspoon of salt and a couple of chicken black ground pepper.
  8. Mix thoroughly.
  9. Take two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and attach it a flat form with a diameter of about five centimeters.
  10. In the center put a piece of Mozarella.
  11. Wrap it with meat mass, forming a small ball.
  12. Put it on a clean and dry plate. In the same way, form and other balls.
  13. In another bowl, mix the remaining breadcrumbs, one teaspoon of salt and parmesan.
  14. Call the balls in the resulting dry mix and fry in the heated oil for 6-8 minutes.
  15. Chicken balls will become dark golden color.
Chicken balls with bread in breading: Recipe for a delicious snack 17135_3

You can serve them with sour cream or tobasco. Prepare them are also easy. For the first, 100 millilitres of sour cream, garlic teeth, black pepper, salt and red hot pepper. Simply mix the sour cream with spices, add chopped garlic and serve on the table.

For Tabasco, two tomatoes are needed, one sharp pepper, two garlic cloves, three stems of green onions, half of the tea spoon, one teaspoon of dark vinegar and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. All ingredients need to be switched by a blender, to slaughter on medium heat for 5-10 minutes, cool and can be served on the table.

Bon Appetit!

From chicken you can also cook a delicious and satisfying cake - torn. It will become an excellent addition to the family dinner or festive feast.

Photo: Pexels, Pixabay

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