Invisible purity: what is not visible to the eye - it will see a luminometer.

Invisible purity: what is not visible to the eye - it will see a luminometer. 17122_1

Today we will talk about how to organize daily quality control of cleaning, and how such a device can help as a luminometer.

Currently, the sphere of hotel and restaurant business is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. Competition in this segment is also high as the battle for survival in hot sugar, where there is not a single drop of water. In this regard, everyone seeks to attract and keep the client with all possible ways. The first plan, undoubtedly, the visual component of the hotel and restaurant comes out.

As you know, more than 80% of the information about the world's environment perceives through the organ of vision. This is a scientific fact that needs to be considered when attracting the client.

Consider the easiest example of life. In one glass, the tap water, in another glass - water from the puddle or river. We will offer a random passing to choose a vessel with clean water. We are confident that any person will choose a glass, which poured water from under the tap. This type of control is called visual. It is widely used in the field of domestic services, in particular in the hotel and restaurant business. So responsible specialists control the work of cleaning services and visually assess the quality of cleaning work.

Let's complicate the task. Bring the test two white plates. One plate immediately before experience was washed out in the dishwasher. The second, washed earlier, lay on the shelf, but by the place of the experiment we carried it with "dirty" hands, without washing them after a few handshakes.

Probably, if we offer the client to assess the purity of these plates, he will look at us with an incredulous misunderstanding of what is happening. Here and the level of "visible purity" for the client is hoping, and the concept of purity is actual, which is so important for owners of hotels and restaurants, if they want the level of services they have really high.

There are quite a lot of ways to increase the level of cleanliness in hotels and restaurants: this is the use of professional detergents and disinfectants, high-class cleaning equipment, attracting cleaning companies, personnel training. However, the most effective way to achieve the goal is properly organized daily control and monitoring.

No matter how processed the bath before the client's arrival, you cannot argue that the transfer of fungal diseases in your hotel is impossible. But everything changes, and in the age of new technologies and innovation it becomes possible to estimate the quality of the actual purity not only visually, but also with the use of special equipment, for example, ATP-luminometer.

Invisible purity: what is not visible to the eye - it will see a luminometer. 17122_2

For 10 years, the phosomalometers have been used in European countries, Japan and the United States to measure the degree of purity when conducting controls on various significant facilities, starting by plants for the production of dairy products and ending with hospital chambers.

Practice shows that large HoReCa segment players already acquire such devices to improve the quality of the services provided.

Thanks to such television projects, as "Auditorro" and "Shopping", the technology of phosomometry has become known to a wide range of television viewers, forcing the hotelers and restaurants to think not only about purity, but also about their own reputation. Indeed, in the public catering industry and consumer services, the mass of objects, the purity of which is extremely important.

The hotel rooms are monitored by bathing, toilet seats, sinks, lever of the mixer, etc.. That is, a control point may be any object with which the client has contacted and could leave a couple of microbes for the next guest.

You ask how the luminometer works works, and why this device has such a wide range of applications? What's the secret?

The answer is simple. Around and within each of us there is a huge number of a wide variety of bacteria. To maintain vital activity, each bacterium as a living machine consumes peculiar fuels, which serve as a special substance molecules, ATP (adenosine trifhosphate). These molecules sees the device.

If there are many bacteria on the surface of the object, then for customers in contact with these objects, there is a risk of infection with various diseases if bacteria are not enough - this risk is minimal.

It should be understood that food products that we eat also contain ATP. For example, on the table we left a piece of fresh meat, and then removed it into the refrigerator. When conducting control, the device will indicate the presence of ATP on the table surface. ATP molecules as fuel are perfectly consumed by any bacterium, and on the place where the meat lay, in a couple of hours they will grow a huge number of bacterial colonies.

When conducting cleanliness control, interpret the readings of the luminometer is very simple. It is enough to remember the boundaries of the norm. If the values ​​that show the device lie in the range from 0 to 10, the surface is clean. All that above these values ​​is not allowed.

Liminometre and legislation.

Currently, the use of a luminometter is not regulated by sanitary rules.

Invisible purity: what is not visible to the eye - it will see a luminometer. 17122_3

A much more common control method is sanitary and bacteriological washes performed by accredited test laboratory centers.

However, the frequency of selection of washes is usually not large, and the cost of research is quite high.

In addition, similar technologies do not allow to evaluate the purity of the hotel or restaurant in real time, carrying out control precisely when it is necessary.

The luminometer allows you to solve this task.

It should be noted that in GOST R57582-2017 "Professional cleaning services. Cleaning service. A system for assessing the quality of professional cleaning organizations "is already recommended to apply the method of the luminetry to verify purity.

In itself, the presence of a luminometer will not save the hotel or restaurant from pollution. This requires a whole range of sanitary activities, the absence of which can lead to serious consequences, including administrative and even criminal responsibility when harmful to the health care. However, proper and timely control with the use of such devices as a luminometer minimizes the likelihood of such situations.

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