India adopted Arjun MK 1a - "The most expensive tank in the world" weighing almost 70 tons

India adopted Arjun MK 1a -
India adopted Arjun MK 1a - "The most expensive tank in the world" weighing almost 70 tons

India has long been seeking to organize the mass production of the modern tank of its own development, which could be replaced (or at least add) Russian Food. As the Hindustan Times newspaper reported, the country is like never close to the goal: her army received the first Arjun MK 1a.

"Tank made in Tamilnade will be used on our northern borders to ensure the safety of the nation. This demonstrates the Unified Spirit of India - Bharat Ekta Darshan, - said Narendra Prime Minister Modi. - We will continue to work on the fact that our armed forces become among the most modern in the world. At the same time, the concentration on the transformation of India into Atmanirbhar (self-sufficient country) in the defense sector is developing in full swing. "

India adopted Arjun MK 1a -
Arjun MK 1A / ©

The combat machine has become the development of Arjun MK 1, which began to produce in 2006 and built in the amount of 124 units. Initially, he wanted to release a series in more than 2,000 units, but then preference was given to the tested Russian T-90. The reason was the unreliability of the chassis of the Indian car, as well as a number of other difficulties.

India adopted Arjun MK 1a -
Arjun MK 1A / ©

As a result, we decided to create an upgraded version. Arjun MK 1A received 71 improvements compared to earlier versions: 14 of them are called "significant". On the new car, the shell in the amateur is placed in individual protected containers, and the 120-millimeter rush gun was finalized to apply new types of ammunition. Arjun MK 1A received the dynamic protection of Indian production and improved composite armor. Among other improvements - the panoramic sight of the CPS MK II commander and an improved gunner's sight with the introduction of a target maintenance machine.

India adopted Arjun MK 1a -
Arjun MK 1A / ©

At the same time, the ARJUN mass has increased significantly and is now 68 tons, which makes MK 1a one of the most heavy tanks in the world. It is noteworthy that, according to the previously presented data, he and the "most expensive". Based on the calculations of the contract price for 118 serial machines, the specialists determined that one such tank costs more than ten million dollars - more than the famous (mainly, again, with its high cost) of the South Korean K2 "Black Panther".

India adopted Arjun MK 1a -
Arjun mk.i / © Wikipedia

Recall that in January it became aware that China first applied the new Tank VT4 in battle. And a few years ago, the imminent adopted a new "mountain" tank.

Source: Naked Science

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