9 misconceptions in which we believe thanks to advertising


The modern world is difficult to submit without advertising. Rollers with the proposals of the most diverse goods pop up on the TV and on the gadgets constantly. And of course, about the existence of some things we would just never learned without advertising. But for some reason, sometimes the authors selling videos are so enjoyed by beautiful images that they lose touch with real life.

We in ADME.ru believe that any new habits can be included in your life only when there is benefits or comfort. And those promotional stereotypes, without which they are good and so, collected in this article.


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A charming girl or a cute guy from advertising enjoy the chewing elastic - without fail with two plates at the same time - and sparkle with a snow-white smile. And we are also familiar to throw a pair of pads in your mouth to restore fresh breath. Specialists are recommended to use chewing gum to purify the oral cavity. True, in fact, one gum will perfectly cope with it. The effect is the same, and save more.

Juice or yogurt for breakfast

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Some people are more familiar to start the morning on an empty stomach. Successful people who make many things per day, "charge" with fruit juice or yogurt with useful additives - broadcast vocabulary. Can a drink give energy for a whole day? Nutritionists increasingly agree that the breakfast should be nutritious and balanced, inclusion not only carbohydrates and vitamins, but also be sure proteins. In addition, the purchased juices often contain sugar or artificial additives. And we so want useful food. Clear advertisers know about it, and therefore a smiling girl with a juicer arises in the frame - after all, it is necessary to start at a positive day, and fruits just give the feeling of joyful summer. Only here forget the creators of advertising that the early in the morning most often want to warm up hot coffee.

Crunch chips in front of the TV

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© ryels.

Few people know, but initially chips were served in expensive restaurants and were considered an exquisite dish, which quickly gained popularity. Gradually prepare potatoes thus steel on an industrial scale. Cheap and that neither say, a delicious product turned out to be an excellent solution not only for fast snack, but for the evening - as a "snacks" to your favorite film. Remember how chips advertise: Most often, the cheerful company is sitting in front of the TV, then opens the cherished packaging and - wedge! - It turns out right in the center of events on the screen. Meanwhile, crispy chips are harmful because they contain a large amount of salt, which delays fluid in the body. Yes, and their composition, alas, not always flawless. And the cinema watching chips is harmful, since at this moment the brain is engaged in the perception of video information and does not control the amount of the absorbed product.

Painting seeds

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© Rexels, © Rexels

Producers for hair paint most often choose the face of their brand of young and very attractive women. And, by scattering on the shoulders a luxurious shop perfectly brilliant curls, the girl in a confidential whisper reports that the paint, they say, perfectly paints her eyes. Such an advertisement from the mouth of successful and ever young girls with anyone can cause complexes. And now we are already in a hurry to hide the most obvious signs of aging, brought the hair into a rich color. In fact, changing hair pigmentation can occur at any age, and many women only adds elegance.

Shave and epilation

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© Rexels, © Rexels

With extra hair, women are struggling since Cleopatra. Although in those days there was no television, but in itself the use of some means the queen has already become the best advertisement. And in the modern world, literally everywhere we broadcast the idea that it is precisely the legs of the legs, not to mention everything else, is the key to women's attractiveness. The cult of smooth skin is so durable that the beauties in advertising shave even shaved limbs.

Baby food

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Commercials in which the baby behind both cheeks will fly mashed potatoes and smiles at mom, many parents motivate the same picture at home. And somehow imperceptibly the word "luch" begins to be associated with multicolored jars. Cooking at home is independently difficult, and after all, experts warn about the possible dangers of purchased baby food. In addition, in addition to the dubious composition of the puree in the jar can carry another danger. After chewing solid pieces, the child trains the language, which further contributes to the development of good diction. And with constant use of liquid dishes this does not occur.

Robots and electronic toys

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Modern parents, as, however, and at all times, seek to give children the best. Therefore, the baby is ready to develop from the very early age. A variety of training, reacting, almost living toys overeat the crumb from all sides. And of course, advertisers could not bypass this important topic. Curious kids pushing their finger on the glowing buttons, clapped in the palm, dancing along with the robot ... We, moms and dads, we will touch and run to the store for the next novelty. And in fact, scientists have long suggested that the best developing toys are ... ordinary. Those that do not sing and do not speak. But allow the baby to come up with his own world, practicing the most important life skills.


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© ryels.

Summer. Heat. Thirst. The main character discovers a refrigerator with cherished gas. With hissing the lid opens, the splashes of the refreshing drink fly in all directions ... it is most often a lemonade advertising looks like. Hot summer day and I want to drink sweet frozen water with ice. However, experts converge in the opinion that it is best to quench thirst with water or tea. But if you drink lemonade, it will be even more due to the content of sugar and other components.


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According to advertisers, immunity is two types: a cute creature sitting on a person's shoulder, or something invisible, which allows you to walk in any frost without a hat, do not fribrate and do not hurt. If, of course, it is correct to raise it. Let's drink some kind of milk product or eat a marmalade vitamint - and all, no diseases are scary. In fact, the immune system is quite difficult. Develop protective functions in their body must be comprehensively. And of course, we take it, dressed in the weather.

And what promotional stereotypes about domestic habits did you notice?

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