Volvo Cars tripling electric vehicles in Ghent


Swedish automaker tripled production facilities for the release of electric vehicles at its factory in Ghent, Belgium, getting ready to satisfy the rapidly growing demand for its line of charged cars.

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Increased power due to the fact that Volvo Cars reported on its sales results for the entire year in 2020, which showed a strong increase in demand for hybrid models. The share of rechargeable cars as a percentage of total sales more than doubled in 2020 compared with 2019.

By 2022, the power of electric vehicles at the plant in Ghent will increase more than three times compared to today and will be about 60% of the general production capacity of the plant.

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Currently, the Ghent is preparing to launch the second fully electrical Volvo electric model created on the CMA modular architecture at the end of this year. The plant has already collected XC40 Recharge, the first fully electric car car, as well as the plug-in hybrid version of XC40.

"Our future is electric, and clients clearly like what they see in our cars for recharging," said Javier Varela, head of global industrial operations and quality. "As we continue to electrify our lineup and increase our production facilities, Ghent becomes a real pioneer for our global production network."

Volvo Cars seeks to become a premium electromotive company, and in the coming years, the automaker will release several completely electric cars. By 2025, the company plans that its global sales will consist of 50% of the fully electric cars, and the rest are from the hybrids.

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Last month, Volvo Cars also announced that it would collect electric motors at their plant of power units in the Swedish city of Shevde and plans to establish full electric motors for the middle of the decade. In the coming years, it invests 700 million Swedish crowns for these purposes.

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