What dishes and drinks often wrote classics more often? Explore the "Menu of Russian Literature", created using Date Analysis


Who more often mentioned wine and vodka in their works - Lion Tolstoy or Fedor Dostoevsky? What is popular in Russian literature - meat or fish? And what writer is the highest food concentration for 1000 words?

Journalist Lyubov Popovets answered these and other questions in the study of the "Menu of Russian Literature", created with the help of data-analysis.

Popovets love published a study in the summer of 2020. The journalist chose 16 writers and poets of the XIX century and with the help of data-analysis, considered what dishes and drinks are more often found in their works. The category "Drinks" entered, for example, tea, coffee and juice. And in the category "Meat" - lamb, beef and other species. The lists also hit the verbs that designate food and high-quality adjectives ("fragrant", "appetizing"). Popovets notes that he was consulted with teachers of literature about specific food items.

The research site has published graphs: 1) links of types of products and writers; 2) popularity type of products in specific writers; 3) references to the concepts associated with nutrition. In addition, the journalist was the rating of the most popular food that literary heroes used, and designed it in the form of the menu.

Popovets found out that wine and vodka are the most popular alcoholic drinks of Russian literature, and the bread is the most popular food. In the works, meat is more often mentioned than fish. And the lion is Tolstoy - the first in the number of mentions of different products among Russian writers (he has a 121 unique product), then Gogol (119), Saltykov-Shchedrin (117) and Goncharov (116). The highest concentration of food for 1000 words at Anton Chekhov - 4.46 references, in second place - Gogol (3.9).

According to analysis, in the works of thick wine, vodka and coffee is used 250, 94 and 74 times, respectively. Dostoevsky - 177, 72 and 86 times. And Turgenev - 43, 22 and 18 times. Read more To explore the Popovets's data study by reference.

What dishes and drinks often wrote classics more often? Explore the
What dishes and drinks often wrote classics more often? Explore the
What dishes and drinks often wrote classics more often? Explore the
What dishes and drinks often wrote classics more often? Explore the

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