How to buy Sberbank shares to a physical face?

How to buy Sberbank shares to a physical face? 17095_1

Sberbank shares are one of the best securities on the Russian market, which is included in the so-called "blue chips". In addition, Sberbank shares are definitely the best representative of the Russian financial sector of the economy in the domestic stock market, because today it is almost the only popular security published by the credit institution.

Buying Sberbank's shares can be a good alternative to the banking contribution, including Sberbank himself. The dividend policy of the company allows investors to receive a stable income, which for a number of years exceeded the rates on bank deposits.

Shares of Russian companies

Sberbank shares: Details

Sberbank shares released two types: ordinary and privileged. The nominal and those and others are only three rubles. Currently, there is more than 21.5 billion pieces of ordinary shares and 1 billion privileged. Sberbank's securities passed listing and traded on the Moscow Exchange. They are among the most liquid securities.

According to the financial institution itself, today its share capital is distributed as follows. The state in the person of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation lies 50% plus one share. Previously, this package belonged to the central bank, but was sold by the Ministry of Finance. Further 43.5 percent are in the accounts of legal entities - non-residents. Another 2.27% belong to Russian companies. And the remaining 4.23% to individuals.

Dividend Policy for Sberbank Shares

Sberbank is one of the organizations that tries to adhere to the standards of transparency of management. Her dividend policy is openly announced in the document published on the official website.

According to Dividend Policy of Sberbank, the final amount of dividends is recommended by the Supervisory Board and is approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders. At the same time, the management of the company seeks to ensure that about 50 percent of profits received in accordance with the International Reporting System should be sent to the investor.

Nevertheless, you need to understand the difference between good intentions and real reality. Profit may also be sent to the development of the organization, on certain important goals and urgent needs. As a result, the expected dividends until their official announcement may be more indicative and the subject of speculation of investors in the most literal, exchange sense of the word.

Sberbank shares: myths and reality

There is a presentation introduced into the heads of the clients of marketing and advertising departments, that Sberbank has existed over 140 years and leads its history almost since the time of Emperor Nicholas first. In fact, it is a beautiful legend. In particular, if you consider this issue from a legal point of view.In fact, in today's view, Sberbank was founded in 1991 on the basis of the Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" of 1990 as an absolutely new legal entity. It was not in any way the successor of the former Savings Bank of the USSR, which existed in parallel with Sberbank of Russia until 1992. This is understandable, otherwise a flurry of claims for compensation for frozen contributions during late socialism could be collapsed.

Thus, the modern Sberbank is a commercial retail, in the western terminology "Retail" the bank, with some feature - its controlling storage still belongs to the state. In this case, of course, the Bank does not respond to the debts of its owner, and on the contrary, as well as any other joint-stock company.

In 2020, the Group of Companies announced another rebranding. Now she will be called just a selection, not Sberbank. Accordingly, it is possible to expand the field of activity, creating new structures, such as savings chimney, etc. Of course, renaming is unlikely to affect the shares of the secretion, since no one will change previously released emission prospectuses. However, it is interesting that this is exactly the "Sber" just called professional participants in the securities market shares of one of their favorite companies. They said that way: "Buy or sell a savage."

Real achievements of Sberbank

Staying the largest bank in the country under the patronage at first the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and now the Ministry of Finance - the merit is not great. Nevertheless, it is necessary to admit: Sberbank today keeps the clientele despite tough competition with other commercial banks. Even despite the deposit insurance system, which equalizes chances, Sberbank is still considered the most reliable in terms of the country's population.

Sberbank is often criticized, sometimes even deservedly. Nevertheless, its services for storing funds, conducting settlement accounts, online maintenance of individuals and legal entities are still in demand. To date, Sberbank has more than 96 million private and 2.6 million corporate accounts. The number of users of the Sberbank online system exceeds 70 million. Thus, buying Sberbank's shares, the investor becomes the co-owner of all this considerable economy and can claim the income in the income of this organization.

Financial indicators

At the last reporting date, that is, in the first nine months of 2020, Sberbank managed to demonstrate positive results. Net profit amounted to 79.8 billion rubles, the profitability of capital was 19.6%, and assets 3.1%. The retail loan portfolio of the bank for the first time exceeded 8 trillion rubles. During this period, mortgage loans were issued for a total of 260 billion rubles. At the same time, the percentage of overdue loans decreased from 3.30 to 3.25 percent.

Exchange rates at Sberbank are such. Capitalization - 6.47 trillion rubles, P / E Ratio at the beginning of 2021 7.39, P / B Ratio 1.36.

How to buy Sberbank shares to a physical face? 17095_2
Profit of Sberbank in quarters, thousand rubles.

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