"Toilet PR": the scandal between the Loboda and Stas Sadalsky is gaining momentum


New Song Show Season "Voice. Children "turns scandals like a snowball. At first, criticized the choice of coaches for training children's vocals and the Azam Show Biza. If a person

There is no doubt, then the Lobod so Syak still accepted - there is experience. But the candidacy of Egor Crea has become the subject of great criticism - both from the audience and colleagues on the scene.

Trainers voice. Children-8. Photo 1 Channel

Many believe that he himself has reached little to teach the younger generation, especially since the work of the stars factory is extremely ambiguous. Already on the first releases of the blind auditions, the Cred gave new reimbrats for criticism - with its strange behavior and consumption of mothers in a children's show.

Egor Creed to the voice.

Svetlana Loboda also became the subject of the scandal. First, Dmitry Nagiyev, comforting a small participant, to which none of the judges turned out, blurted out that "the elderly Loboda did not come out to sing and dance on their crutches." This is because Loboda decided to sing together with the girl (video at the end of the article).

After Ether Stas Sadalsky, in his instagram, criticized this incomprehensible step of the star - which she climbed onto the stage and ruined the child's mood even more that the girl had hysterics behind the scenes. He also led him to indignation, the appearance of the Loboda, which appeared without constraint with a frank neckline to the navel at the children's competition.

Svetlana Loboda to the voice.

In response to charges, the PR-Director of Loboda caught the scandalous actor in an attempt to remind themselves at the expense of the fame of the singer, they say, Sadalsky is known for insulting others to attract attention to his person.

In an interview with the fifth channel, Sadalsky said:

She is a PR director, what to do what. What do I discuss that she wrote in the toilet. Does it, her toilet PR discuss? No comments

Most likely, this is not over. Representatives of Loboda intend to achieve apologies, up to court.

Do you like coaches to voice. Detty-8? Write in the comments. And would you like to give my child to someone from these stars?

Previously, we wrote about the problems of Alexandra Bortich. It turns out that the actress is expelled from the country. And the biological mother of the admissory daughter of Ponarovskaya suits the public scandal. A woman declares that the singer stole her daughter from her. And Mitya from the "Shatov" brought himself to exhaustion.

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