Morning Digest KN: mortality data from Rosstat, Snowstorm, term for stigro

Morning Digest KN: mortality data from Rosstat, Snowstorm, term for stigro 17083_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

Rosstat published data on hundreds of dead from COVID-19 in the Kaluga region in December 2020

Published information on the number of recorded dead with a diagnosed diagnosis of coronavirus infection in Russia, including in the Kaluga region.

According to published data, 213 deaths were registered in the Kaluga region in December 2020, the main reason for which coronavirus infection was. At the same time, in 208 Kaluzhan, the virus was identified, five - no, but it was assumed to have the deceased in the body.

In addition, COVID-19, without being the main cause of death, has had a significant impact on the development of deadly complications in 21 patients.

Also in December last year, 102 inhabitants of the Kaluga region with confirmed coronavirus, who have a virus, according to Rosstat, is not the main cause of death and did not have a significant impact on the development of death complications.

For comparison, in October last year, Rosstat reported on 20 dead from Coronavirus in the Kaluga region.

Note that the federal and regional operational headquarters reported 63 coronavirus deaths in December 2020.

These sources differ greatly and some explanation could not be found. However, the information of Rosstat and Olestkov dispersed not the first time.

Snowstorm comes on Kaluga

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia warns: according to Kaluga CGMS in the next hour, with preservation until the end of the day on February 9 in the Kaluga region are expected to the winds of 12-17 m / s, there are heavy snow, on the roads of the Hollyantic, snow drifts.

"Dear Citizens! Please, not leave without an extreme need for your homes!" - appealed to Kaluzanam's department, recalling that when founding on the street it is necessary to abide care in bad weather.

Special attention on the roads rescuers ask to show transport drivers.

Two people died in the accident near Kaluga

As we have reported earlier, today, February 9, about seven in the morning, 136 kilometers of the M-3 route in Maloyaroslavetsky district an accident occurred. Field cars "Volkswagen" and "Gazelle".

According to the source in operational services, two people died as a result of the accident: the driver of the car "Volkswagen" a man of 1961 birth and a passenger of the same car, a woman of 1956 of birth.

There were 13 people and 4 units of technology, including 7 people and 2 units of equipment from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

A man died in a strong fire in the Kaluga region

Today, February 9, about eight o'clock in the morning, a fire house occurred in the village of Duminichi district.

As we were told in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a man died in a fire, the year of his birth was not yet established.

"Total to eliminate fire from the EMERCOM of Russia in the Kaluga region was attracted by six people, two units of technology," the rescuers told.

The alleged reason for the fire is called violation of the safety rules during the operation of the furnace.

Kaluga Ladyer received a real time

In the prosecutor's office today, they reported that a resident of the Pozlylsky district was convicted of real deprivation of freedom for the ill-treatment of the dog.

The judicial investigation established that the defendant in August last year, being in a state of alcohol intoxication, in the entrance of his own house beat a neighboring dog. As a result, the animal died.

The man was sentenced to 10 months in prison in colony-settlement.

The sentence into legal force did not join.

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