"I will buy an apartment in your home": should you trust such ads?


Very often, when entering the entrance you can meet the announcement: "I will buy an apartment in your home." What troubles can wait for those who will take advantage of this method of selling real estate, said experts "arguments and facts".

Developer, Head of the Collective Investment Fund in Real Estate Objects Ruslan Sukhius said that, first of all, private realtors and real estate agencies could be resorted to such "tricks" to expand their client base.

The property expert of the Higher School of Finance Management Lyudmila Anisimov called the pros of such a campaign for those who deal with buying housing. According to her, such an announcement immediately falls on the eyes, in addition, potential customers see it.

"This is even more efficient than the Instramp," the expert notes.

Nothing reprehensible in this Anisimov does not see. The only minus - a person hopes to sell accommodation cheaper, without commissions, and in the end he impose a professional services to whom of course will have to pay.

The head of the Single Investment and Service Research Center Roman Koriakin notes that such announcements leave firms that are engaged in urgent redemption of real estate at prices below market.

"Life situations where the seller urgently requires funds and it agrees to such conditions, a frequent phenomenon. Such market participants can consciously significantly underestimate the cost of real estate in order to purchase it at the most favorable conditions for themselves, but they are not profitable for you, "he said. Is there a risk to sell an apartment through such announcements?

Dry warned that a person can lose time if he calls such an ad.

"Most likely, it will fall to the realtors, the parameters of the apartment will be fixed, but no real service will be provided. After that, the data on the owner of the housing will wander on various bases that are regularly sold. And he is tortured by spam calls, "said Anisimov.

But the cases of fraud are not excluded, experts warn.

According to dry, there are cases when the apartment allegedly want to rent students or a young couple. Usually, older people are responding to such ads, which later or rob or sell them various products at a giant price, he warned.

Earlier, Bankiros.ru reported how scammers kidnap money from Russians accounts using popular services for this.

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