Cats deserve better: 11 evidence that cinema is unfair to these animals

Cats deserve better: 11 evidence that cinema is unfair to these animals 17059_1
Cats deserve the best: 11 evidence that the cinema is unfair to these animals Dmitry Eskin

March 1 - day cats. These fluffy pets are loved by millions of people around the world, however, how the representation of feline in films and cartoons is arranged, causes bewilderment. For example, 11 famous film and cartoons Time Out will prove that modern mass culture is unjust to these beautiful animals.


("Cinderella", 1950)

When we watched this cartoon in childhood, a thick brazed cat, which tries to catch friendly mice, caused uniquely negative emotions. But returned to the picture in a conscious age, many adults understand that they were unfair to the animal. The house literally sisite mice, which get out of all the cracks, walk on food, crawl over the beds ... In addition, Lucifer got one of the most cruel death in Disney's history: he dies, falling out of the window of a huge tower.

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Mrs. Norris

("Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone", 2001)

Mrs. Norris helped Hogwarts Zahozu Filch patrol the corridors of the magic school. It can not be unambiguously called a negative character, but in the first part of the heroes in fear run from the animal, which can inform Filch about their walks along the forbidden part of the building. Joan Rowling also supported the stereotype that the villains adore cats, giving love to the fluffy creatures of the subsequent Dolores Ambridge from the book "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix".

Director: Chris Columbus

Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson

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SI and am.

("Lady and Broadcasting", 1955)

Masterpiece Disney is rich in stereotypes. The main character - American Cocker Spaniel named Lady - Angel in the flesh, she fell into the house of Aunt Sarah still a puppy. Two Siamese Cats SI and AM - full of its opposite, they are caricatured cruel and cunning. To resist the favorite of the hostess, they destroy the house and dump the disassembled on the lady, and also pretend that the dog beat them. In the end, the fate of the lady is perfectly well, and the creators were silent about the fate of cats.

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Team "Kotostroph"

("Pratrol Patrol", 2013 - present)

At the Oscar ceremony in 2018, the lead Jimmy Kimmel was joked that for the first time Nomoti Shalama nominated for the Timothy Award misses the "puppy patrol" to be here: it was a hint of the youth of the actor. The joke demonstrates the scale of the cartoon popularity worldwide. Of course, there is also a positive representation of cats, but the alignment of forces is clear: dogs - selfless rescuers, cats are small hooligans.

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("Toy Story 4", 2019)

The fourth part of the triumphant story about animated toys chose a cat into antagonists. Dragon, who likes to destroy toys, patrols the shelves of an antique store, from which Woody, Basz and the rest of the company expect to paint a friend. The scripts also added a typical scene for the image of cats scene on how they spoil wool lumps.


("Oh, these kids!", 1991 -2004)

Chucks, Tommy and twins Lil and Phil - kids, comprehending the world. Angelica, who is a bit older, directs all his strength to spoil them games. Her favorite cat is a fluff - similar to the hostess: Attractive white wool are hidden precipitant and cruelty. It is difficult to say whether it ruins the games of the kids because she likes it, or in order to once again help Angelica.

Not only cats:

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("Baib: four-legged kid", 1995)

In this child film, the Persian cat is depicted by a real bitch. She arrogantly considers himself better than all other animals on the farm. However, her pride has grounds: it is one of the few who is allowed to live in the house. It is she tells the chief hero of the film, a bab piglery that people eat pigs. The Duchess world collapses when the pig is allowed to sleep at home. And when she scratches a poor man, she is driven into the street at all.

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Chloe and a gang of street cats

("The Secret Life of Pets", 2016)

The film about pets contains surprisingly fewer-cats, despite the fact that the action takes place in New York - the city, which because of the high rent rather, has to choose cats as pets. The main characters, dogs, faithful to people, are cute creatures. The only cat's challenged among them, chloe, is a selfish thick person. The gang of street kittens is shown even worse: it is practically bloodthirsty criminals.

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Mr. Bigglswors

("Austin Powers: a mystery of an international scale", 1997)

At the beginning of the story, Mr. Bigglswors was a Persian white cat. But the cryogenic frost in the length of 30 years has made a sphinx. Pet of Dr. Evil fully participates in the affairs of his owner. For example, it is present at the villainous meetings, where the doctor evil explains the defeated before the destruction that when he is unhappy, his cat is unhappy, and then people die.

Director: Jay Roach

Cast: Mike Myers, Elizabeth Herley, Michael York

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("Smurfs", 1981 - 1989)

The chief assistant of the cunning wizard of Gargamel was doomed from the very beginning to the amplua of the villain: his name is used in many religions to designate angel of death. Contrary to the status of the assistant, he is much smarter than his owner, often saves him and indicates flaws in his plans. Grilling Gargamel also repay him with systematic insults.

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Cat Vito Korleone

("Great Father", 1972)

In the original scenario and the book, on which the film is filmed, there is not a word about the cat. He was noticed on the site director Francis Ford Coppola on the day of filming. Knowing the love of the artist's head of the head of Mafi Marlon Brando to animals and improvisations, he planted the cat to his knees. The legend says that two liked this friend so much that specialists had to work hard to remove the sounds of loud camp.

Director: Francis Ford Coppola

Cast: Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Kaan

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