How to make a bracelet of beads and rubber bands do it yourself


For many, interest in weaving from bead or gum begins with attempts to make bracelets friendship - multicolored baubles, which is customary to share with friends. They are based on simple types of weaving with which the child will cope. If you master the database, you can learn how to create complex jewelry, popular not only among young people, but also an adult generation.

"Take and do" explains where to start if you dream to learn yourself to weave baubles and simple bracelets from rubber and beads.

How to weave Bead Bracelets

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You will need:

  • Beads of different colors (first easier to weave from larger beads)
  • scissors
  • Thin line

Instead of a fishing line, you can use a thin wire, a rubber thread or a conventional thread. In the latter case, it is easier to drive beads with a needle or apply a little nail polish on the ends of the thread so that they become solid.

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Weaving "Cross" is considered one of the easiest. Cut a piece of the fishing line, which will be equal to the length of the finished bracelet multiplied by 2. Usually it is about 40 cm. Peductable beads. Put on the fabric: so it is more convenient to take them.

  1. First, on the middle of the fishing line ride 4 bispers. At the left end, we take an extreme bead and make the right end of the fishing line through it. Ends should go through different holes of beads, thus forming a loop from beerin. Now tighten the ends to the beads gather in a cross.
  2. On one of the ends of the fishing line, ride one bisper, to the other - two.
  3. Now the ends need to be connected again through the extreme second bead and tighten the chain from the crosses to lengthen. Continue to weave by adding one bead on each side, and then tightening the ends through the extreme.

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Combining beads of different colors, you can create unusual patterns on the bracelet. If you want to scam the bracelet, connecting imperceptibly end and start, then:

  1. Make the last cross in the chain and type one bead for each end of the fishing line.
  2. Fasket ends stretch through the very first bead at the beginning of the chain.
  3. Tighten the ends, connecting the end and beginning of the bracelet.

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Do not be afraid to experiment with colors, size and amount of beads. In the pictures above weaving it looks like a "cross", but more beads are recruited on the sides.

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Another option is a simple weaving is a chain bracelet in the form of flowers.

  1. On the fishing line ride one green bead, omit almost to the edge of the fishing line and tie the knot around the bead. Now you get for another 2 green beads and 7 red.
  2. The end of the fishing line stretch through the very first red bead to get a loop. Red beads will gather in a circle.
  3. You dial yellow beads on the fishing line. The end of the fishing line stretches through the bead in the middle of the red circle so that the yellow bead become a middle flower.
  4. Next, you dial the beads for the next flower, continuing the weaving in the same way. The number of beads for flower petals may vary depending on the size of the yellow beads, which will be in the middle: Petal beads must be smoothly dragged around it.

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A more complex is considered a "direct web" weaving, allowing you to create bracelets with names and drawings. We are better to weave them with a thin needle and a solid caproic thread.

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  1. Take the needle and thread into it. Type at first one bright bead and tie the knot on it. Then dial 7 more white beads. This is the first row.
  2. Then type one more beading and grind a needle with a thread through the latest first row bead. So you will encourage a new row bead to the previous one.
  3. Now it is once again thread through the first bead of a new row needle. So you will secure it.
  4. Type the second bead for a new row, then grind a needle through the penultimate bead in the first row.
  5. Now fasten the second bead, skipping a needle through it. Continue weaving in such a technique. Having reached to the end, tie a strong knot on the last bead.

In the photos above the thread of contrasting color to show the technique of weaving. It is better to choose a thread in work that will merge with the color of Beerin.

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Thus, you can weave the bracelet with the name. In order not to get confused, make a weaving scheme in advance on the usual sheet into the cell. The picture above shows 2 ways to create a bracelet weaving scheme with the name Anna.

How to make bracelets from rubber

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You will need:

  • Color rubber bands
  • Hooks for weaving from rubber
  • Plastic fasteners for rubber bracelets
  • Normal fork

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The simplest weaving techniques from the rubber band are based on the fact that the gums are folded in half and form a loop, claking each other. The example of weaving looks like this:

  1. On the gum you put on a plastic hook-fastener.
  2. Cook the blue elastic band with a second elastic.
  3. Repeat: New Blue Rubber Clamp Red.
  4. Continue to weave in such a technique.

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The last gum, folded in half, cling to the clasp. Before you correct the very first gum by folding it, too, twice and consolidate on the hook as shown in the photos above.

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A little harder looks like a fishe tail weaving. But, having mastered the main steps, you can weave bracelets in a matter of minutes.

  1. Take the plug. Rubber twist in the middle and suck on the external teeth. Add over 2 more gum without twisting. Please note that the gums are not to be put on the inner teeth (they do not participate in the process, since weaving is conducted on "slingshot" from external teeth).
  2. With the help of a hook, picker the lowest elastic band on the right side.
  3. Tighten up, removing from the teeth.
  4. Repeat the action on the left side, pulling it up to take it from the teeth too.
  5. Pull the removed elastic band on yourself, as shown in the photo above.
  6. Put on it plastic fastener.

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7. Put on the plug another elastic band without twisting it in the middle. 8. Pick up the lowest gum from the right side and pull it up. 9. Remove with the right teeth. So the right edge of the lower gum moves to the middle. 10. Repeat the action on the left side. 11. As a result, the gum will collect in the middle, continuing weaving. 12. Near the new gum from above and continue to weave until the bracelet reaches the desired length.

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To finish the bracelet, stop when there will be 2 gum on the fork. Do not add the 3rd. Instead: 1. Take the bracelet in your hand and slightly pull away from the fork. Crochet lift on the right side the edge of the lower gum up and roll it from the teeth. Repeat the same on the left side. 2. Now remove the elastic band with one tooth moved to the hook. 3. Repeat on the other side so that the last gum is completely on the hook.

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Instead, the plug is more convenient to use a special slingshot, which can be purchased in stores for needlework. On the fork you can weigh a more complex volumetric bracelet.

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1. Take the gum and fold it in half. 2. Refract around in the middle and put on the inner teeth of the fork. 3. Repeat the action, putting the elastic bands in the same way to external teeth. 4. Using the hook, pick up the loop of the lower gum. 5. Remove them from the teeth so that they are on the reverse side of the fork. 6. Now put on a new gum on the inner teeth, folding it in half.

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7. Note the photo above: New gum do not need to twist in the middle. 8. Pick up the loops of the rubber bands that are under a new red rubber band. Pull them up, removing from the teeth and removing back. 9. Near the side teeth new gum. 10. Pick up the loop of the lower gum from the right side and pull up, removing from the teeth and removing back. 11. Repeat the action with the rest of the lower gum. 12. Thus, on the back, the bracelet will add in length.

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13. As soon as the bracelet turns out the desired length, pick up the extreme loops with the help of the hook and transfer them to the inner teeth. 14. Lower loops lift up and remove back, removing from the teeth. 15. Put a new rubber band on the inner teeth. Loops lower gum lift up and remove from the teeth, removing back. 16. From the inner teeth, move the loops on the plastic lock. 17. On the one hand, the bracelet is ready. 18. It remains to pick up on the other side of the clasp the very first loop of the bracelet.

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