Remember what could remember this winter inhabitants Grodno


This year, winter in the residents of the Grodno region issued a truly snowy and frosty. Due to the long snowfall, the difficulty on the roads arose both in motorists and in ordinary pedestrians. What are the consequences of the winter season for the city and is waiting for Grodnins warming or snow and freezing even return to the area, our shooting group will tell.

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In the winter season of 20-21 years in the Grodno region, it was truly snowy and frosty, several cyclones made their own adjustments to the life of Grodnots. First, Lars, who raged in the city for several days in a row, and after one after another they replaced others, with less memorable names, but the same serious consequences. As a result, the atmospheric phenomena went away, leaving after themselves meter drifts, Flash and Icicles, writes Grodno Plus.

Anna Solovy, Correspondent:

- To meet the new year Grodnotsha had to be without snow and strong cold. The winter season has begun since December, the average monthly temperature of which was 4 degrees above the climatic norm. And this has become a completely logical continuation of the fall, because it was the warmth of meteorological stories in our city.

2020 in Grodno became the warmth over the past 75 years, but at the beginning of the 2021th residents of our city waited for snowfall and protracted frosts, which made serious adjustments to the life of motorists. His cars from the snowdrifts of Grodnots dug out several weeks in a row, and the movement on the roads was a test not only for new drivers, but also "Schumachers" with experience, which had to forget what the fourth gear was. Fought with falling precipitation in the city of utilities. The special vehicles were involved in about 70 units of special equipment, as well as 15 units of aggregate mechanisms. In order to facilitate pedestrian movement, about 11 thousand tons of galita and sandy-salt mixture were used.

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Elena Ivanova, Sinoptic engineer of the branch "Grodnoblogidromet":

- For the winter, the amount of precipitation fell 135 mm, which is near the climate norm. The sediments were also unanimously distributed, the undevelopment of precipitation was noted in December, in January we have an exception to one and a half times, and in February fell within the normal range. The highest height of the snow cover in the region was marked in Grodno - 49 cm. In general, the average air temperature for the season was 3 degrees, which is near the climatic norm.

Now there is a significant warming in the whole area, it was it that was the cause of intense melting of snow cover in the city and the destruction of ice on the rivers and reservoirs of the Grodno region.

I must say that all the same rich snowfall Grodnots was waiting, and not only to enjoy winter fun. As you know, the amount of snow can directly affect the water level in rivers and reservoirs. Such a prospect for Nemman would be very successful, because now the water level in the river is 105 cm, while in 2014 this mark reached 220 cm. That is, in five years there has been a decline in two times.

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Svetlana Berezina, Head of the Department of Branch "GrodnoBlogidromet":

- At the moment, the rivers of the Grodno region are observed rise in the water level. In some areas, water came out on the understanding, that is, left the shores. It is on the river by giving in the Svisloche district and the depth depth is 29 cm and on the Neman River in the Lida district, the depth depth is 13 cm. Due to the fact that the soil was melting, the snow cover was gradually absorbed and since we have moisture sources in soil exhausted, That, apparently, it absorbs and replenish our stocks.

The calendar spring has already come, but rejoice in warming up early. According to weather forecasters, the inhabitants of our area still expect snow, and frosts. So, for example, by the end of the week, cloudy with clarifications are established in Grodno. Temperature Day on Friday will range from - 2 to + 3, and at night the thermometer columns can fall to -7. However, he warm the soul will help the fact that there are still three weekends ahead and the main spring holiday, which certainly reminds the occurrence of the new season.

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