"Girl with a pearl serving" - a riddle on the canvas of Jan Vermeer

"Girl with a pearl serving" - a riddle on the canvas of Jan Vermeer

The history of art knows a lot of examples when creation became more famous than his master. No matter how paradoxically, but it is precisely such works that the famous painting "Girl with a pearl serving", created by Dutch, Jan Vermeer.

About whom the image was written to, to this day, the extensive minds of connoisseurs of beautiful, disputes are constantly underway, new assumptions are expressed. Probably, by fame and the number of various theories, only the famous "Mona Lisa" da Vinci can be compared with the picture. Let's figure out - who she is, this "girl with a pearl serving" and what is known about the history of this masterpiece.

The history of the creation of "Girls with a pearl serving"

Dutch artist Jan Vermeer, who created a masterpiece, which still does not give rest to critics, extremely rarely indicated the date of writing on his creations. An indication of the year of completion is missing and at the "girl with a pearl serving". Art historians define it only approximately, noting that the canvas was created in 1663-1667.

Vermeer himself was a recognized master of genre painting and reflection of household plots. Alas, at times, when he lived and worked, people preferred landscapes, and therefore the merits of the artist were not assessed.

Jan Vermeer "Girl with a pearl serving"

This was the reason for the meant of information about the painter itself. Moreover, in our days, not every person heard the name of such an artist, however, "a girl with a pearl serving" is known to many.

This picture has become one of the 34 preserved works by Jan Vermeer and, no doubt, occupies a central place in his work. While writing the web was popular with an unusual portrait. Something non-standard was to be present in the emotions of a person, his face or separate details, the very image.

Pictures of Johann Vermeer in Mauritzhysis / © SAILKO / COMMONS.WIKIMEDIA.ORG

In the "Girl with a pearl serving" there are all these components. Vermeer managed to make the unusual features of portrait painting in every detail, while maintaining absolute harmony. Just look at how bright, the face of the depicted girl seems alive!

This emotion appropriately emphasizes the earring that, despite the staticness of the canvas, it looks extremely dynamically. It seems like a girl turned around only for a moment to take a look at us, after which it turns out again.

Strange paintings

I am confident, a lot of questions in people who consider the picture of the Vermeer causes a strange headdress of beauty. It would seem why suddenly the European girl decorate himself with turban. However, such headwear were quite popular at the time.

The successful conquest of Sultan Suleiman was brought to European countries fashion on Turkish elements in clothing. That's just the turban "girls with a pearl serving" dramatically differs in color from classic options.

The striking detail is the serge itself. According to experts, in nature, the pearls of such a form and the size does not occur, that's just a similar decoration is present on several paintings of the master. What goes out: Vermeer invented and sergeuzhku and turban? The answer to this question today is not possible.

The same serving, fragment painting after reconstruction Koorosh Oroj / vphotobrush.com

Who is she - "Girl with a pearl serving"?

However, the main intrigue of the picture is the personality of the one who is depicted in the portrait. Researchers express a lot of assumptions that are based on those scarce data that they have survived about the life of the artist.

The most common hypothesis is the version that the picture is depicted by the painter daughter, Maria. But by the time of writing the picture, the girl was only 12 years old, which does not correspond to the age of the heroine of the canvas. Of course, it can be assumed that the artist and here showed an incredible fantasy, adding daughters for more than five years, but it does not seem logical.

"Girl with a pearl serving" after the reconstruction of Koorosh Oroj / vphotobrush.com

The second popular assumption was the hypothesis that in the picture of the Vermeer - his spouse, Catarina Broin. It is no secret that the painter worked with her like a simulator, but there is an age inconsistency here. During the creation of a "girl with a pearl serving", Catarina was no longer young, and therefore could hardly become a prototype of portrait so young person.

There is a version that "the girl with a pearl serving" could be a master of the master, but contemporaries responded about the artist as a diligent family man and a faithful spouse. This suggests the assumption very doubtful.

Eyes Heroine paintings after the reconstruction of Koorosh Oroj / vphotobrush.com and can the maid?

Recently, the distribution received a version of the servant-simtors. This hypothesis was expressed in the Roman Tracy Chevalé "Girl with a Pearl Sergeka". According to the book, a film was filmed about the life of the artist and his environment, but do not forget that the plot is only a free interpretation of the events of the XVII century.

The position of servants in those times was strictly regulated. In a large family of Vermeer (and he had 15 children), it is unlikely that a simple maid girl could be so close to the owner of the house, so that he decided to write her portrait.

Main Hero Picture, Fragment Pictures After Reconstruction Koorosh Oroj / Vphotobrush.com

Like any masterpiece that has received recognition (even after the author's death), a lot of fakes and variations have a lot of fakes and variations. In 1937, a picture was discovered, very similar to the main creation of Vermeer. According to researchers, at the beginning of the last century, this fake was created by a copyist Teo Van Vangarden.

"The girl with a pearl serving" is the famous picture of Jan Vermeer, which found recognition not only among art historians and connoisseurs, but even in mass culture. The image of a girl who turned to the viewer does not cease to wonder people. Perhaps not so long remaining to wait for the moment when someone from the connoisseurs will be able to solve many mysteries of this creation.

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