Spring - time to multiply decorative plants. The best ways


    Good afternoon, my reader. Spring is the perfect time to rooted home and garden crops. Each plant transfers this procedure in different ways. However, methods of breeding with green cuttings, goddes and root processions are suitable for most colors and shrubs.

    Spring - time to multiply decorative plants. The best ways 17020_1
    Spring - time to multiply decorative plants. The best ways to Maria Verbilkova

    The rooting of plants with green, unreserved cuttings is suitable for almost all cultures. This simple way is also popular because it allows you to multiply your shrubs and indoor flowers without much material costs.

    For this method, in the late spring or early summer, green shoots are cut under a sharp corner. Each of them should be from 2 to 4 intersals. The top of the cuttings is trimmed at right angles. The lower sheet plates are completely removed, and the upper shock is half to reduce moisture evaporation.

    To speed up the root formation process, the lower cut of the shoots are treated with special stimulants: potassium humate, "corneser" and others. You can use folk remedies: honey, aloe juice, egg protein, yeast. The treated cutlets are plugged into the moistened soil.

    To create a greenhouse effect, the landing container is covered with a film and put in place where the daily temperature does not fall below 20-25 ° C. At the same time, the soil is followed and as necessary moisturize it. Film shelter periodically operate (ventilated) so that the sprouts can breathe.

    The fact that the plant is safely rooted, you can learn from young leaflets that appear from the sinuses of shoots. It is advisable not to rush to the transplantation of plants to a new place, especially if the culture is intended for open soil. Let the plant grow slightly, and in some cases it will be better if it perimates indoors. Room flowers can be searched almost immediately after the formation of young roots.

    Spring - time to multiply decorative plants. The best ways 17020_2
    Spring - time to multiply decorative plants. The best ways to Maria Verbilkova

    Many garden crops with long and flexible stems are perfectly rooted by chains. The procedure is quite simple. Suitable branches are chosen in early spring, which can be tilted without damage to the soil and fix them in this position.

    For this method, only young people are suitable, fairly flexible shoots (not older than 2 years). They are purified from leaf plates and tilted parallel to the soil. In the place of contact, they make a small groove, which is filled with loose fertile soil, mixed with a small amount of sand.

    Along the stems make several shallow cuts and put them in the soil. Falling asleep with the lands, the shoots are fixed with metal brackets. This place is abundantly watered and mulched the surface of the soil.

    Spring - time to multiply decorative plants. The best ways 17020_3
    Spring - time to multiply decorative plants. The best ways to Maria Verbilkova

    So that in the future, the young seedling stretched up strictly vertically, sticking the peg, to which the top tip is tied. After a couple of years of proper care, a full-fledged plant is obtained. The crown seedling is separated from the uterine bush and determine permanent place.

    This method of rooting is suitable for shrubs and trees forming root piglets. Usually in early spring choose a strong process of one or biennial age. It is important that it grow on a lit place and as far as possible from the mother tree (bush). These seedlings are better developed roots, so they quickly and painlessly take root.

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