"Real boys against zombies": a dead man named Kolyan


On January 30, a television premiere of the film "Real boys against zombies" will be held on the TNT television channel, where Zombie Apocalypse collapses on Perm. Daria Tarasova tells why the film itself resembles the themed episode of the series, not a film, in addition, too much borrows from the "Zombie named Sean" (here is where the name "Real Gaps" would come in).

If you want to wake, you can come to terms with anything - for example, with a zombie apocalypse suddenly, with a suddenly fell on the hometown. Here are the Permayak, when the inhabitants of the city began to turn into the walking of the Deads because of the accidentally delivered an ancient virus, first panicked, and then they squeezed, got burned, burned. Perm Cooked, Food is discharged from aircraft, and in television weather forecasts about the city of Scholk. Kolyan (Nikolai Naumov), however, zombies do not care at all - he is more worried about the gap with his wife Leroy (Zoya Berber), who decided to escape from him on the eve of the epidemic. However, the situation with zombies may force them to look at the relationship in a new way - in one of the villains behind the products of Lero buses infected ...

The tie, in which the comedic zombie horror is hand in hand with a drama relationship, suspiciously resembles the Great "Zombie named Sean" (2004) Edgar Wright. There London covers incomprehensible from where the zombie virus, and the relationship of Sean (Simon Pegg) turns out to be on the verge of break - only the apocalypse saves them in question.

In the "real boys" not London and not just a relationship: Perm and marriage - things are more fundamental and long-requiring rethinking in domestic cinema. However, a number of details are not simply inspired by a rice comedy, and directly from it borrowed, making a conversation to the stated topics somewhat meaningless.

Review of Fiilmography Edgar Wright

Podcast about the work of Edgar Wright

What started "Sean"? Simon Pegg appears, hinting that he has already turned into a zombie, but in fact it is only the post-failure, classical wrapping, visual gag. Further follow the alarming omen: news replicas, meetings with strange familiar, unlocked door in the house of Sean and his annoying neighbor ...

Through it, as if "real boys" were climbing - almost the Sean remake, the borrowed twist with the door and even a replica, instead of adapting a new zombie classics to Perm realities. However, a whole team of scenarios and the director Zhanna Kadnikov - in the past, the KVN star, now removing the original series "Real boys", - did not block the British humor to the Russian Federation, as did not use the option "Take the checkpoint and develop where the eyes look." Amazingly "Real Guys" are trying to keep up with two zombies at once - both run away from them. Like Wright Screws, but they say almost the same replicas that were written in London 16 years ago. However, for almost 20 years, the world has changed, and the domestic flavor remained the memo and stereotypes about the LGBTK community.

Brief History Zombie Horror

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However, the main plot of the "real boys against zombies" is still infected with the arches of other character characters - for example, friends of Kolyan are involved in the battles of Perm and Zombakov, for which they are looking for their fighter. However, such plug-in episodes that resemble the "walking dead" (2010-2022) or the recent "train in Busan 2", pushing the idea that the film is just a special episode of the series. Like Hallowinovsky horror episode in "Simpsons". Only one question remains: Is TNT needed as much as 16 years to retell the comedy zombie milestone and even so that the film does not look like an independent work?

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