Dream Garden: Unique Fruit Trees and Shrubs


    Good afternoon, my reader. The layout of a small land plot is a difficult matter. After all, the garden, vegetable beds, flower beds need to fit on the ground of the Earth. In addition, I want all the plants to bloom, generously fruit and did not interfere with each other to develop. Sadders who are not afraid of experiments, solve this problem at the expense of various vaccinations.

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    Dream Garden: Unique Fruit Trees and Nella Shrubs

    Fruit Garden (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The summer cottage without a fruit garden looks lonely and uncomfortable: there is nowhere to hide from the scorching rays of the sun. And the garden beds will not replace the mounted fruits and berries that can be separated straight from the branch.

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    Dream Garden: Unique Fruit Trees and Nella Shrubs

    Plot layout (Photo Used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Before laying the garden, you need to make up at least an approximate plan for the location of fruit trees and shrubs.

    The distance between the seedlings of fruit trees should be at least 3 m, even if adult plants are compact crown and not very high growth. In cases where tall cultures are planted on the site, the interval between young trees should be at least 5-6 m.

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    Dream Garden: Unique Fruit Trees and Nella Shrubs

    Young trees (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    When planting plants should take into account the characteristics of the variety and their future development, because the strongest trees (shrubs) will interfere with each other.

    This problem is solved by experienced gardens simply: plant the optimal number of plants on the territory of the site, allowing to adhere to the rules of agrotechnology. And in order to in the garden, as many different types of fruit varieties (berries), garden crops are vaccinated.

    Grafted fruit trees (shrubs) look unusual. At the time of ripening on one plant you can see the fruits of different shapes and painting. In addition, they may have different maturation time. On one apple tree (pear), 4-5 cuttings of different varieties can be instilled.

    Dream Garden: Unique Fruit Trees and Shrubs 16975_4
    Dream Garden: Unique Fruit Trees and Nella Shrubs

    Juicy pears (photo used according to a standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    In the same way, the situation is also with berry shrubs. To save space, they are vaccinated onto the stack. In addition, such berries look completely unusual, they are perfectly fruit. And the harvest fees is much easier due to the shape of the crown.

    Unique plants give the garden decorativeness. But there are also practical benefits from vaccinations:

    • economical use of land;
    • Increased frost resistance of fruit and berry crops;
    • the ability to grow in a limited space more than various types and varieties of fruits;
    • Lightweight collection of fruits, berries.

    In addition, the grafted trees (shrubs) are distinguished by a stable yield due to cross-pollination of various varieties grown on one strain.

    Successful gardening is not only following the rules of agrotechnology. Experimenting, you can even create a garden equal to 6 acres in the whole district

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