For the year in the Ivanovo region closed nearly 200 bars, hotels and restaurants

For the year in the Ivanovo region closed nearly 200 bars, hotels and restaurants 16960_1

"Ivanovo News" already told that another part of the restaurants are ready to turn their business. According to the estimates of the business-restaurants themselves, their income fell by 50-70%.

The summer season in the region, where, in accordance with the decree of the Governor of Stanislav, Voskresensky acted one of the most stringent epidemiological regulations in the country, started a month later than other regions.

"Yes, with restrictions, which in other areas was not. So because of the alignment of the tables according to the approved anticoid regulations, there was no even half loading of the halls, "the business representatives complain.

Corporates in their classic form - with big friendly guests of guests - also banned.

Restaurateurs lead in an example of other regions. "There are no restrictions on the catering at all or they are much softer than with us. Now it is important for us to allow at least banquets to conduct weddings. "

In Ivanov, according to representatives of this business, they were allowed only to bury people, that is, to organize memorial lunches.

Now, according to representatives of the Regional Association of Restaurants and Hoteliers of the Ivanovo Region, there is already the third wave of closing of peteed and entertainment institutions.

The first closing wave happened in the spring when "We first encountered a coronavirus pandemic. Some cafe owners decided to close at all. "

The second wave of closing sweated in the fall in the fall, "when local authorities allowed to work, but with a large number of restrictions. Not everyone was able to adapt to new stringent requirements. "

"Ivanovo News" was requested in the Profile Department of the Numbers. How many restaurants, cafes and bars really closed in 2020 and most importantly - why? How many representatives of this business are able to use the help offered from the state?

"According to the operational data of a single register of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship entities, placed on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as of the year, the number of SMSP in the field of restaurant and hotel business in the Ivanovo region is 863 units.

The number of enterprises of this sphere, excluded from SMP registry for 2020, amounted to 197 units, "noted in the Department of Economic Development and Trade of the Ivanovo Region.

And clarified: the exception from a single registry does not demonstant about the termination of the organization's activities.

So, the grounds for exclusion from a single registry can be:

  • Failure to submit to the Federal Tax Service of Russia information about the average number of employees for the preceding calendar year
  • failure to submit reports on tax paid
  • Missing the conditions for classifying the subject to SMEs
  • Termination of activity (exception to the EGRULA (EGRIP)).

That is, the whole 4 good reasons.

"In this regard, talking about the tendency of the mass closure of the restaurant and hotel business without additional confirmation of the information is inappropriate," said experts from the Department.

Moreover, in 2020, 45 entrepreneurs of the sector of the restaurant and hotel business provided some services: consulting, educational and creation and promotion services.

"A non-profit microcredit company in 2020 provided preferential microlos for 10 enterprises in the field of restaurant and hotel business," they say in the Department.

And now in the Ivanovo region implement a whole range of measures to reduce the level of tax burden on small and medium business. Until 2021, tax rates for a business applying a simplified taxation system with an object "Revenues minus costs" - 5% instead of 15% are increasingly reduced.

The number of small and medium-sized businesses operating in the field of hotel and restaurant business and using this preference in 2019, amounted to 35 organizations.

Data for 2020 will be presented in July 2021.

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