"This is a method of intimidation." Mikhail Kovyzin told the details of his detention on the forum of independent deputies


On March 16, the Deputy of the Kirov Gordeum Mikhail Kovyzin published a video message in which he was detailed about how he got on the forum of independent deputies "Municipal Russia" and why all his participants were detained.

- The United Democrats public organization invited me to the forum, it is not prohibited in Russia. During the project, the participants had to discuss issues of interaction with residents, talk about the ecology and organization of a comfortable urban area, said the deputy. "Besides, I agreed to speak at one of the forum panels to share my experience with voters and tell about the village of Sergeevo. Residents of the village for two years sought from the administration that the bus went to their village yearly, and not only in the summer.

"This is a method of intimidation." Mikhail Kovyzin told the details of his detention on the forum of independent deputies

According to the deputy, the authorities, of course, knew about where and when the forum would pass and that it would be discussed on it.

"We were not going to the basement, we bought tickets in advance, we had a contract with the organizers, press releases were repeatedly published in the press. According to my estimates, about 15-20 people from different media were present at the forum itself, "Mikhail Kovyzin shared.

The deputy suggested that the mass detention was tried to intimidate the municipal deputies, because the project was attended by representatives of different parties and social activists from more than 50 regions of the country.

- The gathered united one common goal - to improve life where they live. And this act by the authorities is the method of intimidation of municipal deputies, which the population elected. So that they do not speak a lot and did only what is supposed and organized by the authorities. So that the municipal deputies have no independence, "Mikhail Kovyazin said.

The deputy also believes that the authorities could prevent the occurrence of the situation, warning the forum participants in advance and showing them the necessary documents confirming the illegality of the event. Also Kovyzin is confident that it was quite possible to do without the mass detention from the whole country of deputies.

- Since this is not a criminal case, but administrative responsibility, the testimony among those present on the forum could be taken directly in the hall, and not to attract the riot police, the prosecutor's office, the staff of the ROVD - people who had a day off on this day. Moreover, all 200 protocols were under the car. Everyone was completely no matter what a man said, "the deputy is sure.

In his video image, Mikhail Kovyazin said that in any case the court decision would appeal, since he does not consider himself guilty.

  • On March 13, about 200 participants of the forum of independent deputies "Municipal Russia" were detained in Moscow. Among the participants of the forum was the deputy of the Kirov Gordum, Mikhail Kovyazin.

  • In relation to Mikhail amounted to the Administrative Protocol due to cooperation with an unwanted organization, after the court session, the deputy faces a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

Photo: ideelreal.org, vk.com/m_kovyazin

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