Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the "New Borov" with car numbers and places of work. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs told why

Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the
Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the

Residents of "New Borovy" these days involuntarily felt themselves criminals and inhabitants of destructive ghetto. According to them, representatives of the bodies for three days constitute a consuming list of tenants, get fat from the mailboxes (apparently to quantify with them), and people with flags on windows that did not open the door on the call, turn off the light in the shield to "smoke »From the apartment. In many entrances, militia polls all incoming and leaving: it is wondering not only by the names of tenants, but also by telephones, a place of work, car numbers, the availability of a DVR. All this lasts for 3 days, the security forces are leaving only after 20 hours, and in the morning come again. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs it is said that these events are held in all new buildings of the Minsk district. But the lawyer questioned the legality of the formation of such a database, and the disconnection of light in the panel calls the arbitrariness.

At first, it seemed that the police were only interested in tenants with flags in the windows. At the door of such apartments, the security forces spend the clock, waiting for them to open. If the tenants do not open the door, some employees "smoke" them in other ways. For example, turn off the light in the shield to force exit the vestibule.

"We didn't open first, but they were very persistent," says Julia, the owner of the apartment in the "New Borovo". - turned off the light, then the four hour and a half stood under the door. It was grieving that the children became scary, it was time to come - they decided to open. 40 minutes Major Criminal Rosewood issued a protocol on 23.34, seized two flags, made a warning. Only on us 4 employees spent 2 hours.

Julia provided Onliner video, where an employee of the authorities says that she did not offend her. And in response to outrage about the light, the light explained its motives like this:

"We have to somehow put out you, I did not make you drink the door."

"At the neighbors, they press through relatives, the police calls the sisters and parents with the message:" Tell your relatives to remove the symbolism, and then we will endure the door, "says Julia. - The other neighbor was taken to the IVS directly from the apartment and gave 10 days behind the flag on the window.

But this strangeness of police raids is not exhausted. If at first Silovikov was interested only for apartments with flags, then the consumer survey began in a row.

- In many entrances, there are security forces on the first floors and rewrite all the tenants who enter and go out, "residents of the district are told. - Want to know the last name, name, phone, place of work, car number. If you refuse to call personal data - require the apartment number. Militiamen are so many that they are carried by whole beads. My wife and I went and with the words "We were already asked" passed by. They were asked from what we apartments. I said that we have already spoken to their colleagues that abstained from answers.

"At first we thought that 2-3 patrols go, but now we understand: there are a lot of them. It became clear when the neighbors in the chat began simultaneously drop screenshots from their cameras. "

- At the meeting, I asked if it was possible to refuse to answer questions and why ask them at all? I was answered that the information allegedly needed in case the neighbors will complain about the tenants, "continues a resident of the district.

Police is interested not only by residents of "New Borov", but also their guests.

- Today guests came from my apartment and stood near the car in the parking lot. Militiamen probably asked what apartment they came out of, because immediately after that they called me to the intercom. I did not raise the phone: I did not want to answer their endless questions.

In addition, residents of local residents are actively investigated. Perhaps in order to check with lists.

- In the entrance yesterday, two citizens in the pursuit were caught people for a survey, "says a resident of the house on the street. Leonardo da Vinci. - In the entrance fell along with the delivery of pizza. And then settled under the stairs - apparently not to light up on the chambers. Stopped all descending. I was stopped by pulling the jacket from the back. Not a ceremony, asked the name, first name, patronymic. To the question, on what basis, began to "pour" about informing about bank fraud. I said to them that I do not need to inform. They answered that in this case they would be taken to clarify the person. I asked, is it a threat? They just informed gathered. They did not answer anything concrete. I called them fictional F. I. O. and said that I did not live here, but was visiting a friend. They asked what the name of a friend, in which apartment he lives. I replied that a friend Vanya, and the apartment did not remember the number, I don't live with him. Lifting with me so that I show the apartment, they did not. The passport was also not asked.

Commentary MVD

Onliner applied for a comment in the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk region, whose jurisdiction includes a "new boring". This is what the official representative of the department Sergei Chebotarev said:

- Now we have a special integrated event "Law and Order" in the Minsk district. Not only in the "new borovaya", but also in a copyish, kidding. The event is planned, held in new homes and new districts, which only built up and information on which is particularly not. This is an apartment bypass traveled. They get acquainted with tenants, work out foreign citizens living in the Minsk District. They form questionnaire sheets, clarify who lives in the apartment, and other data, after which the information is entered into the electronic magazine of the administrative site. These magazines are conducted throughout the republic, this information uses the precinct in their work. In addition, within the framework of SCM "Law and Order", the presence of weapons and conditions for its storage, personal transport, and are also checked by the convicts on "home chemistry" are checked. In addition, the precinct conducts conversations in connection with the frequent cases of cyberman.

- And why do they need data about the place of work, the phone number, car, the presence of the registrar?

- And how to get through to the person to call a person if he needed to do it? The precinct collects all the data, he must own them.

- The tenant has the right to refuse to provide this information?

- It cannot be forced, but the precinct will still collect this information in other sources.

- We reported that there were not only precinct, but also the criminal investigation officers.

- There may be employees of the criminal militia, but they are present for other reasons: drug control and so on.

- Does the police right do you turn off the light in the apartment in which, in his opinion, is the administrative offender?

- Not ready to comment. This is the question of the legal field.

Commentary of the lawyer: "There is doubt the legality of collecting personal information"

Since the issues of the legal field in the police do not comment, for the answer we turned to lawyer Sergey Zikratsky.

- Information about who lives and what weapon keeps, and so the law enforcement agencies, "says a lawyer. - They can get it on legal grounds without a consuming survey. It's one thing when the precinct comes to get acquainted with the tenants of his area. Fighter survey, questioning is a completely different event. After all, they are not just wondering who lives in the apartment. They need phone numbers, cars, employment data. That is, the collection of personal information is going.

We proceed from the fact that the activities of the employees of the internal organs are regulated by a number of regulatory legal acts, Sergey Zikratsky continues to argue. - If they have reason to believe that some kind of offense or a crime is committed, they can hold the quarter of citizens. That is, go through apartments and ask questions, specifying, in what connection they are interested in them.

"For collecting such data, we need weighty grounds. Therefore, in this case, I personally have doubts about the legality of collecting such information. They may ask your phone number, car number and work, but you have the full right not to answer. As for the disconnection of light in the shield - it is generally arbitrariness. "

If employees of the authorities intend to get into the premises, where, as they suggest, a crime is committed, they can even break the door. But if we are talking about an administrative offense (I will not comment on the very fact of bringing to responsibility on 23.34 Administrative Code for posting the flag in the window of my own apartment), the policeman must record the fact of the offense (take a picture) and pollize those who may be involved in it (cause them to call them on the agenda Police survey). But the lesion of people from the apartment by creating them uncomfortable living conditions does not provide for legislation. The law does not provide such a method of communicating with a possible offender.

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