The Russian car on the corner and the Swiss Eurostandard - what will chose KTZ?


The Russian car on the corner and the Swiss Eurostandard - what will chose KTZ?

The Russian car on the corner and the Swiss Eurostandard - what will chose KTZ?

Astana. February 4th. KazTAG - JSC National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZh) can buy Russian wagons made on outdated standards. Contrary to the opportunity to acquire modern Swiss cars, built on advanced European standards, the agency correspondent reports.

"Now the KTZ is facing the most difficult choice - produce Kazakhstan cars for a couple with the Swiss company Stadler (" Stadler ") or buy / collect Russian cars from Transmash (Transmashholding CJSC, TMX, Russia - KazTag). That is, the purchase of 1 thousand cars is somewhere on $ 100 million (T40 billion). It is funny that it turns out in the budget of the KTZ before the competition laid these prices. And the production of Swiss cars seemed to have already discussed and signed a memorandum. If I correctly remember, the President of Switzerland, and I myself sat and listened to these plans, "I wrote on Thursday on my page on a social network. Financial consultant Rysul Rysmambetov.

He noted that "there is a difference in prices - Swiss will be more expensive."

"True, Russian will be worse and will demand a overhaul - $ 400-500 thousand for one car for 15 years (Swiss wagons of the overhaul do not require). But Swiss can be done, and sell more expensive. Russian wagons we will not be able to sell, we can only repair. True, the Swiss we can produce from our own aluminum. But the Russian can be held for rent - as it is now done in the CTZ, "said the famous expert.

At the same time, he notes, "Swiss cars purchased Russia, when it was necessary to carry tourists to the World Cup, because he was inconvenient to show."

According to Rysmambetov, the Swiss manufacturer of cars - Stadler offered the Kazakh side more favorable conditions for the purchase of the Tulp-Talgo plant in Nur-Sultan than the Russian TMX for production in the capital of modern railway equipment. However, the metropolitan plant was sold to Russians for 23 million euros.

"I will not even show Kazakhstani wagons on which we are going now. However, our tourists were all ride on Swiss cars in Georgia - by railway from Tbilisi to Batumi. Personally, I rode a year and a half in Switzerland and this is the deepest impression of Switzerland, in addition to the Santis whiskey. Again the KTZ before the difficult choice is "Lada Sedan-Eggplazhan" or Swiss quality. Or help fraternal transmash for the Kazakhstan budget or create production. The most curious thing is that the transmashev wagons unlike the Swiss - weave on old good corner and puff no worse than the locomotive. It is superfluous to say that Swiss cars do not use coal, "says in turn Rysmambets.

The expert opposes the purchase of outdated Russian technology.

"I understand that the KTZ decided to support Russians, but not for our money. Guys, give your own. I want Swiss cars. KTZ is generally a unique company. Falls, falls, and can't fall. My hands will be scratched offered to invite SBB (Schweizerische Bundesbahnen) Swiss and replace the CTZ control on the outside. And then, at least in the railway industry we will have order, "the Rysmambetov will summarize.

The editorial office of Mia Kaztag appealed to the press service of the KTZ with a request to comment on the situation.

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