Seed potatoes - high yield and quality of rooteplood


    Good afternoon, my reader. Potatoes are grown not only from tubers, but also from seeds. This option is difficult to call popular - many gardeners simply do not know his features, pros and cons.

    Seed potatoes - high yield and quality of rooteplood 16928_1
    Seed potatoes - High yield and quality of rootfods Maria Verbilkova

    And those who have tried, no longer use the landing of tubers.

    The quality and volume of the crop decrease if growing potatoes from the same tubers. Another thing is seeds.

    Roots often affect diseases that are transmitted to them from plants. With the cultivation of seeds there is no such problem. They have good immunity, quickly adapt to climate conditions.

    The price of potato seeds is lower than on the tubers, they do not need a separate storage cellar.

    But the process itself is quite complicated. Seedlings must be constantly treated with special drugs that strengthen immunity, carefully replant and water young seedlings.

    Potato seeds are bought in the store or collect from a bush. The fruits of culture are green berries that appear on the plant after heavy rains.

    Seeds for landing are inside these fruits. They must be collected, put in a gauze or thin cotton fabric and remove into a warm bright place.

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    Seed potatoes - High yield and quality of rootfods Maria Verbilkova

    When the berries are matured, they are placed in enameled container and pressures. Then they separate the flesh from seeds and stored until spring in the paper package.

    Grow potatoes from seeds in two ways: reckless and ever.

    In both cases, preparation is needed:

    • Turn the seeds for 3 days;
    • soak;
    • Leave for a week to "proceed".

    Seed seeds into a container with a mixture of soil, sand, peat and humus.

    Saplings are placed in small rows at a distance of 5 cm from each other (landing depth - from 1 to 1.5 cm).

    The optimal period for growing seedlings - the end of March - the beginning of April.

    The soil is carefully moistened with a pulverizer, cover the capacity with a transparent film and removed on the windowsill. Soil should be constantly sprayed so that the seedlings do not dry.

    The first shoots need to fertilize urea: 10 liters of fluid 10 g

    In the open ground, the seedlings are transplanted in the second decade of May.

    To do this, you need to dig a small recess (up to 10 cm), add to each slightly humoring, sprinkle seedlings of the earth and spray from the sprayer.

    All weeds around the plants are removed, then treated with their special preparations from pests.

    The first time the potatoes are plunged 10 days after landing. During flowering, the procedure is performed again.

    When the tops are yellowing (the end of September is the beginning of August), the potatoes are completely cleaned.

    At the beginning of the spring, you can immediately sow seeds in the ground.

    Soil preparation:

    • Make small "grooves" in the ground (at a distance of 50 cm from each other);
    • pour each water;
    • Place seeds at 0.5-1 cm deep, leaving a gap between them 5 cm.

    At night, the garden must be reinmed by sponbond.

    Seed potatoes - high yield and quality of rooteplood 16928_3
    Seed potatoes - High yield and quality of rootfods Maria Verbilkova

    When the seeds go into growth and fixed, the underfloor material is not required. After the formation of several leaves, the seedlings are cleared at a distance of 20-30 cm.

    At the beginning of the fall, the first harvest is collected - small potatoes. These are tubers that are resistant to viruses, fungus and pests, which in the new season will give a high and large harvest.

    Special storage conditions are not required, as rootproofs are characterized by good fierce. Seed method allows you to grow large and tasty potatoes for 4 years.

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