10 cool comics about parent

10 cool comics about parent 16926_1

Many talented parents easily turn their daily parental experience in fun comics. It remains only to read them and admire how exactly the author showed familiar to all situations.

There are several such comics from parents for you, which, despite the tight schedule, find time for creativity. Not all of these comics are fully about parent, but even individual issues will deserve mention.


This is incredibly kind and often instructive comics. The main character of the stories is the father of two children. He tries to be a good parent and husband, teaches children with humor to treat all the oddities of the surrounding world and not be upset because of small trouble. Comics are not always funny, in many releases there are sad notes. But everything is equally interesting to read them.

This release reminds that even the best parents need to be made with the forces before proceeding to fulfill their duties. At least a cup of coffee in the morning.

Fowl Language.

In this charming comic, all the main characters are ducks. But they have completely human problems. Children also capricious, fighting, stick with strange questions, do not give parents to sleep and still always make them happy.

The main thing, in this comic Pope has solutions for all child problems. Here the child is terribly unhappy that it was forced to make cleaning. But the father knows how to make it more fun. Do not complain, for example.


Do you sometimes seem to be your child - a real little monster? It is better not to scatter with such words, because the heroine of this comic and the truth is not quite a person. She very much resembles a girl from the "call" externally and is associated with otherworldly forces.

Because of this, it is not always easy for her to make friends with peers. And her dad, ordinary person, is not easy. But, of course, he still loves his daughter.

Nameless PCS

Even more fun comic about life awkward situations in which all people got! Separate issues of this comic are devoted to precisely parent.

This reminds how important it is to approach the problem solving. Many parents are worried about how their child did not grow dependent on gadgets, and do not notice that there are no hints for children for children. But the parents themselves are definitely.

Comics Illya

Very cute comics from the French artist. She tells how to take care of the child, teach it to get around with pets, and still relative to different children's fads. For example, when children declare that they really need a horse.

Comics Elizabeth Ton

Comics Elizabeth also reflect funny everyday situations familiar to many parents. Often, even the hairstyle is not as simple as you could hope. You have to stock up patience. To calm down, you can extract comics.

Comics Adrian Heger

The author has three children, so it always grabs funny stories for comics. Surely you, too, have been witnessing every year as your child promises to wait for Santa Claus and is going to sit until his arrival all night, and after a few minutes it will be cut down right in the middle of the room.

Comics Venburg Cheng

Mom of two children tells how the approach to parent changes after the birth of the second child. Many things parents start perceived much easier. First day at school, for example. How best to spend the morning of the first of September: get up early, run out of flowers and make a bunch of photos or a longer sleep? The answer to this question comes with experience.

Comics Kayila Larsen

In the family from this comic five children. Mom paints comics about their lives, shares funny stories and shows how tricking children, avoiding strict prohibitions and punishments.

Itchy Feet.

Initially, it was a comics about travel, but then his author (he also chief hero) married and became his father, therefore began to devote issues to the problems faced by travelers with children.

And told, what the parents are worried about when their children grow in different language medium. If dad speaks English, mother in Italian, and family lives in Germany, then the first word of the child will definitely be "pizza". It remains only to decide, in what language he said it.

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