As a lieutenant captured 150 Nazis without a single cartridge

As a lieutenant captured 150 Nazis without a single cartridge 16919_1

The feat for which Frolova Vasily Ivanovich was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, he committed in April 1944.

It was almost a year after the turning point of the Stalingrad battle, and the Soviet troops freed more and more cities and villages captured by the fascists. I knocked out the Germans outside the USSR, our soldiers chased them in Europe. In April 1944, Soviet parts were already in Poland.

The battery, which Frolov commanded, stopped near the town of Korytovo. In front of the fighters there was a difficult task - to prevent the connection of the enemy's troops. To do this, our division fell on their way and ... got into the environment. Tired soldiers, minimum of ammunition, the maximum of German troops ... Everything seemed to be against the battery of Frolov. Everything said that no one will survive in the upcoming battle.

Late night, the Germans unexpectedly stirred and went to our soldiers. Vasily Ivanovich knew that shells and soldiers he had much less than the enemy, so I decided to defeat them with cunning. Became measured and accurately firing the position of the enemy. Yes, so that the first explosions rang out in the most thicker Germans. The squall fire did not stop for a minute. And only when there are only two shells left, the fire stopped. And - Miracle: The Germans were confused, began to retreat north, where they stopped ...

The gulling silence of predestal minutes broke someone's voice. German soldier was walking towards the positions of Soviet soldiers. He waved his hands and shouted something in Polish. When he was listened, they did not believe their ears - he wanted to surrender.

And here Vasily Ivanovich invented the move that Alexander Nevsky himself would have envied. With the type of commander who has at least two ammunition carriages, he went to the reprimor. And - as if making a favor - he said that he would retain the life of his comrades, if they were captured. The soldier went back. Soon, a familiar German appeared on the horizon and conveyed that he wants to talk to the commander with Frolov. Vasily Ivanovich, skillfully hiding excitement, gave the team to charge the last two shells just in case ...

And went to the location of the German troops. But the precaution was superfluous. The officer with whom he led negotiations, quickly agreed to fold the weapon. The enemy, who, by the way, spoke quite well in Russian, there was enough words of the Soviet officer: "I guarantee life to those who surrender to captivity."

150 out of about 300 Germans surrendered. But it was too early to relax. After all, in the automata soldiers Vasily Ivanovich, not a single cartridge left! And the conversion of the prisoners had not one tens of kilometers. And again the trick was helped. Frolov deliberately put accompany the Germans of all two car gunners - they say, with you and that is enough. But if the fascists learned or felt that there were no cartridges in the weapons, the operation would be thorn.

As a lieutenant captured 150 Nazis without a single cartridge 16919_2
Vasily Ivanovich Frolov in the lower row in the center

Meanwhile, until those who surrendered the Germans were in confusion, Vasily Ivanovich gave the battery command to leave the position and move closer to his. It was necessary to rush, but to rush so that it was not like a flight - thank God, everything went smoothly: dozens of Soviet soldiers were saved, and one and a half hundreds of Germans were delivered to the location of our troops.

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