The forecast for the markets and takes the Gamestop: what to expect from the message of Buffetta


The forecast for the markets and takes the Gamestop: what to expect from the message of Buffetta 16903_1 - Legendary Oracle from Omaha Warren Buffett is going to present his famous message on Saturday, writes Livemint. The appeal of the Berkshire Hathaway chapter (NYSE: BRKB) is an annual tradition. In his letter, it is usually divided by a look at the events occurring in the world and in the USA.

According to analysts, the last time Buffetov gave advice to investors at the meeting of shareholders in May 2020. Since then, the billionaire has kept silence, despite the fact that a number of events occurred for the year, which directly influenced stock markets.

Bafeets almost never commented on either the election of the American president, nor the protest in the United States, or even a Pandemic COVID-19. "If there will be no pressing problems in this message, people will be disappointed," said Katie Zafrat, CFRA Research analyst.

According to experts, now Buffett will have to catch up and respond to the following questions:

  • How does he estimate the riots at the Capitol in the United States in January 2021?
  • What did he say to Joe Biden during a personal meeting just a few weeks before the election?
  • How should investors be conducted against the background of the Bunta traders and takeoff shares of Gamestop and other companies?
  • How should corporations fight racial inequality?

Businessman's business partner - Charlie Manbon - did not shy away from the conversation on speculation in the stock market at the annual meeting of Daily Journal on Wednesday. Mangaer collapsed with criticism on online brokers, and in particular RobinHood, stating that they are essentially offering gambling services - a dirty way to make money.

In addition, as analysts say, shareholders want to hear the Buffett's position for the further Berkshire strategy. Caution Tactics of the Foundation voiced at the meeting of shareholders in May 2020 caused questions from those who would like more aggressive investments.

However, many investors support such wellness. "Exercise caution is quite natural. It is better to miss the opportunity and stay in excellent financial condition than to swing, put a blow and miss, "says Darren Pollock, the Cheviot Value Management LLC portfolio manager (Quote Bloomberg).

A few more topics that experts believe, Buffett will voiced in his message:

  • Control of Berkshire Management "Heirs" billionaire
  • The decision on the investment plans of the Fund, on the accounts of which is now $ 145 billion in cash
  • Buffett outlook on the behavior of stock markets in 2021

Text prepared Jan Shebalina

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