Doctors from the US announced the world's first successful transplantation of hands and face


In July 2018, 20-year-old Joe Dimeo received burns more than 80% of the body after the automotive accident. Now he will start a new life.

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Dimo with parents. Posted by: Photo AP

In August 2020, the doctors of the NYU Langone Health clinic in New York simultaneously transplanted the face and hands with a 22-year-old resident of New Jersey Joe Dimeo. On February 3, 2021, doctors announced that the operation was successful - for the first time in history. Such operations were tried to spend twice, in 2009 and 2011, but attempts turned out to be unsuccessful.

In July 2018, 20-year-old Dimeo returned home from the night shift of the pharmaceutical company's tester and fell asleep. He did not cope with the control, the car hit the border, turned over and caught fire. The young man was hospitalized in the burn branch of the hospital in New Jersey, he lost his lips, ears, eyelids and fingertips. He also had serious scars on the face, which partially closed their eyes. Dimeo has burned 80% of the body.

Dimo spent several months in a medical coma and transferred 20 reconstructive operations. When it became clear that ordinary operations do not help, it began to prepare it for transplantation. Doctors evaluated the likelihood of finding a suitable donor by 6%, and the situation was complicated due to a pandemic. However, in August 2020, the donor was found.

The operation lasted 23 hours, about 80 people participated in it, including 16 surgeons in several operating rooms. At first, doctors removed the hands and fabric of the donor face, they were replaced by the printed in a 3D printer. "We always start an operation from the minute of silence to give the tribute to the donor family, to honor their huge loss and never forget about the donations made," the doctors told.

In another operating dimeo, the hands were amputated until the middle of the forearm, their own and donor tendons, nerves and vessels were connected. "We must replace 21 tendons, three main nerves, five large vessels, two main bones," the surgeon told during surgery. The young man also transplanted the whole face, including forehead, eyebrows, nose, eyelids, lips, ears and underlying bones.

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Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez and Joe Dimeo. Posted by: Photo AP

After surgery, the young man spent 45 days in the ward of intensive therapy, rehabilitation in the hospital lasted two months. In total, 140 doctors participated in his recovery. In November, he returned home to his parents and continues restorative procedures.

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The head of the Medical Advisor of Eduardo Rodriguez said that since the operation of signs of rejection, the organism of the new person or hands is not observed. Dimeo can already smile, dress and eat independently. He also plays billiards, golf and goes to a gym. "It's very nice for all of us, we are very proud of", "Rodriguez said.

Dimo thanked the donor and his family. He stated that without their victim, he would not receive a second chance of life. "If I lose my motivation and I will not continue treatment, this will not be an excuse," he added.

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