VTB in the Oryol region for two thirds increased the amount of issuance of loans in cash

VTB in the Oryol region for two thirds increased the amount of issuance of loans in cash 16874_1

In January-February, VTB clients in the Oryol region issued loans in cash in excess of 425 million rubles, which is 69% higher than the result of the same period last year.

VTB became the absolute leader in the market for the growth of the share of issued cash loans. According to the Retail Business VTB, in January, the Bank's share in the market of consumer loans loan increased by 5 percentage points, making a record 23.3%.

Cash loans are among the popular retailers in the population. In January, VTB clients issued more than 97 thousand cash loans in the amount of over 87 billion rubles. The amount of issuance is almost 1.5 times higher than the result of January last year. In February, VTB increased these indicators, issued more than 113 thousand loans in cash in the amount of more than 99 billion rubles, which is a record indicator for the Bank over the past two years. The amount of issuance almost 70% exceeds the result of the past of February. The portfolio in this segment for the first time exceeded 1.5 trillion rubles (growth since the beginning of the year by 3.6%).

"We celebrated a serious increase in the market of the Credit loan in the 4th quarter of last year. Today it is safe to talk about the restoration of consumer activity of citizens. Despite the traditionally low demand at the beginning of the year, in VTB sales of consums of the second month in a row show an increase of more than 1.5 times in comparison with the same periods of 2020. In connection with such a tempo of lending, I note that it is extremely important for us to take into account the comfortable debt burden of borrowers, providing them with funds to solve any financial issues, but at the same time not allowing the supervision of citizens, "comments Evgeny Blagoin, the head of the management of" Consumer lending "VTB.

According to the expert, VTB also observes the offset of demand into digital channels that allow customers to get a loan faster and without unnecessary offices. "We have reduced the rates when placing an online application appropriate until April 30 and provide a discount of 0.4 percentage points. - Now the minimum rate with the insurance program will now be 6% per annum. Demand in the market of the Credit loan will continue, and at the end of 2021 the Bank for a quarter will increase the amount of consumer lending, "adds Evgeny Blagoin.

Cash loan in VTB can be obtained in the amount of 50 thousand to 5 million rubles for any purpose and a period of up to seven years at a rate of 6.4% per annum, subject to insurance. Customers may make a loan under the refinancing program, which allows you to combine several loans from other banks in one and repay the debt in other credit institutions, as well as obtain additional money to 5 million rubles for any purpose. Application is possible in the mobile application VTB online, on the Bank's website, in the contact center or VTB office.

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