The story of vaccinations. How many vaccines saved humanity from death?

The story of vaccinations. How many vaccines saved humanity from death? 16860_1

Today on the agenda of Coronavirus, having found the whole world into medical masks. Doctors are looking for ways to facilitate the suffering of patients, in laboratories are trying to create a universal medicine against COVID-19, and on TV and on news portals every day the statistics of recovery and deaths are voiced. It seems as if everything else moved into the background.

It is difficult to even imagine that someday a pandemic of 2020 will become another milestone in the history of mankind. But sooner or later it will happen. So it was with all dangerous diseases. In the twentieth century, a man rotting alive from rash - nonsense. But literally a couple of centuries ago it was in order of things. And it is unlikely that something has changed, if not vaccinated.


If you look at the photos of people who suffered a shell a hundred years ago, it becomes not in itself. Blisters covering 90% of the body are not a modern windmill. And there is no consequences about the consequences. A third of the patients died in flour, and the rest at best were obtained by a disheveled skin, at worst - blind.

The population of Africa and Eastern countries has long been trying to fight this attack. In ancient societies, they thought to cause a light shape of the disease to develop immunity. To do this, inhaled powder made of sparkled stoves and introduced themselves under the skin of the pus in small doses. It helped, but not much. Anyway, people who are unstable to infection remained. And it is not known how much such handicraft experiments continue if not English doctor Edward Jenner.

In 1796, there was a sensation: a provincial doctor instilled in an eight-year-old vaccine boy based on ... Cowing Phase. It seemed so wild that official medicine refused to accept Jenner with his innovation. However, the method justified itself. The experimental child received reinforced concrete protection against the disease and could calmly be in the same room with infected. In the effectiveness of the drug, finally convinced a century later, when they checked it on the soldiers of the British army.

Today, smallpox viruses exist except in laboratories. And Edward Jenner received posthumous recognition. Even the word "vaccine" itself comes from the French Vache - Cow, as a tribute to the doctor's memory.

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According to anthropological studies, Tuberculosis existed long before our era. Scientists have found the remains of ancient people with characteristic defeats, and signs of illness are mentioned in the Babylonian sources.

It is difficult to imagine how many people dealt with them a charity in the history. In one XIX century, she twisted a quarter of the European population.

For the fact that we are not coughing now, partly you need to thank the German doctor Robert Koha. He long and scrupulously watched how tuberculous tissue develops on guinea pigs develops, and in 1882 it was finally understood in the etiology of infection and after 8 years later submitted to the public to the public tuberculin - a protein vaccine. The first pen was unsuccessful, but scientists grabbed the idea and eventually developed a drug that approved WHO. Tuberculin of a new type includes mycobacterium tuberculosis not only humans, but also bovine species.


Poliomyelitis is perhaps one of the most insidious diseases. Externally, it can not manifest themselves, but its consequences are terrified. Infected children of the past (as a rule, polio attacked precisely fragile organisms of minors) turned out to be paralyzed. Someone stopped walking, and someone died of choking - Palsy reached pulmonary muscles.

At the beginning of the twentieth century there was a pretty brutal method of combating polio - the so-called "iron lungs". A person for many years was placed in a heavy apparatus of artificial ventilation. Is it worth saying that life in a metal cocoon was worse than death?

The vaccine was created by the American doctor Jonas Salk in 1952. After a decade, his colleague Albert Seyribin has prepared an improved version of the medication. The second half of the century was marked by the fight against poliomyelitis around the world.

Now parents can breathe freely: NEUCH is eradicated in almost all countries. The only thing, he manifests itself in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria, but only a few dozen children per year suffer.

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But with a cortem not so nice. This extremely infectious disease could be overcome using a vaccine invented as much as in 1963, if you instill 95% of the world's population. But this prevents two circumstances.

First, not all countries have access to the drug. Poor African states are still massively falling and treated in barracks with remedies. To change this situation, you need powerful financing. In 2020, WHO requested $ 225 million from the UN to fight for cortheries in the third world countries - we will see if this amount will help.

Secondly, in Europe and the United States, the movement of "anti-recreaks" is distributed, confident that due to vaccines there is a population and pathology arise in newborns. As a result, a considerable part of people turns out to be defenseless before measles, and the outbreak of the epidemic can occur anywhere, including your city.

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