Unusual Decembrist yellow color: description and photos of varieties

Unusual Decembrist yellow color: description and photos of varieties 16855_1

Skluberger - a plant, widely known on the expanses of the post-Soviet space called the "Decembrist" or "Christmas". It can be found in almost every home or institution. But few knows that in addition to the usual raspberry-pink colors, the Decembrist can please the unusual yellow-gold color of the buds.

This article is devoted to the yellow-colored varieties of Sigocactus, the peculiarities of the care of them, and will also highlight the prevention of varieties with an unusual, exotic color.

Description of the yellow-colored Slubberger

Yellow Decembrists are plants belonging to the genus of epiphytic cacti, which were derived by artificially. From other zygocactuses, they differ from the unusual shades of flowers: from white and yellow to saturated yellow-gold. The average length of buds reaches from 5.5 to 9 cm, their width varies from 5 to 8 cm.

The yolmetric siegocactuses have long (3-7 cm) and wide (1-4.5 cm) stroke segments that form the shoots of a juicy green plant with bright pronounced jar, which most often have a vertical form of growth.

History of selection

Yellow color of petals is not typical for the Decembrist in natural conditions. In tropical forests you can find only pink, red, orange and white flowers. Their elongated buds are able to pollinate only the long-haired hummingbirds, but they prefer to sit on the plants of red shades.

Above the elimination of different hybrid varieties of yellow color breeders from Australia, Japan, USA, Denmark worked not more than one year. What is the same duration?

The first grade of the Decembrist with yellow flowers was "Gold Sharm". He was brought by the American breeder R. L. Kobia in the 80s of the 20th century. The process of breeding varieties has dragged for long 15 years. At the beginning of the varieties with orange flowers, 50,000 seeds of plants were selected, in which the yellow component prevailed over red and pink.

After their sowing, only 1 bush with yellow buds was grown, and he was too weak for full-fledged "offspring." It was crossed with a strong and powerful bush of white Sklubergers, as a result of which about 200 seeds managed to collect. Only 150 bushes climbed from the sinky seeds, one of which became the "springchart" of gloomy-color Sigocactus.

Features and photos of the grades of the Decembrists with yellow flowers

Golden Cream (Golden Cream)This variety was derived by Australian breeders.

It is characterized by the unique color of the inflorescence: gently yellow shade smoothly goes into a rich and warm yellow-golden tide. Inside the flower are gently pink stamens.

Gold Charm (Gold Charm)

The first grade of Sigocactus with yellow color flowers capable of growing up to 7-8 cm.

Sygocactus flowers have a unique, very gentle yellow-green color. Saving a bright green plant with large segments. Loves watering and feeding.

Christmas Flame or Gold Fantasy (Christmas Flame, Gold Fantasy)

The variety is the result of the Mutation of the Decembrist "Gold Sharm", so on the form of bud and shoots, it looks like his "parent". The main difference is concluded in the unusual color of flowers (length - 7.5-9.5 cm): the released buds have red-purple color, but subsequently the petals become rich and yellow with an orange edge.

Externally, they are similar to the flame of the candle - this is justified by the name of the variety, patented in the United States, but in Australia, this Sigocactus is known as "Gold Fantasy".

Cambridge (Cambridge)

The variety appeared as a result of the crossing of Gold Sharm and Christmas Flame. His bright yellow flowers with a delicate salmon from the center.

It is characterized by a vertical form of growth. The length of the flower reaches 6.5-8.5 cm, its width is 6-8 cm.

Golden Orpheus (Golden Orpheus)

Grade - New 2017, derived by Danish breeders.

Its distinctive feature is the wave-like form of petals and their color (pale yellow, almost white, in the center and rich-yellow on the tips). All bud is like tinted with light pink strokes.

Where to buy landing material?

  1. The best place for acquiring siegocactus hybrid varieties is specialized shops or farms - nurseries engaged in breeding this plant.
  2. Another option is quite common in our time - online stores. But you should resort to sites with excellent reputation, so as not to get poor-quality planting material.
  3. You can contact private ads and negotiate with a separate purchase. It feels a pleasant "low cost," but not the fact that you will not be a victim of deception and under the guise of unique yellow shuttlebergers get the usual grandmother's Decembrist.

Prices for exotic varieties of Sigocactus to put it mildly "bite":

  • For non-rooted cuttings, request from 300 to 500 rubles per piece;
  • The root cutting can cost from 500 to 1500 rubles per copy;
  • But for an adult plant will have to lay out to several thousand rubles (from 3000 to 7000).

Is it possible to get a plant with non-standard coloring at home?

Theoretically get the yellow Decembrist house by crossing and selection is possible, but practice shows that such experiments do not end with success.

Such an occupation is effective only in special nurseries, where professionals work and all the necessary conditions of plant content are observed.

At home, it is impossible to recreate natural conditions for Siegocactus, the likelihood of the fact that the flowers will be pinkish colora. Yes, and the removal of new varieties is made only through the seed material, and this is a long-term process, painstaking and unpredictable.

Care rules

All species and varieties of the Decembrist require almost the same care. The only difference is the enhanced plant support during flowering. During this period, artificially created varieties are most vulnerable, so they require special attention and care.

Yellow Decembrist, released buds, needs a systematic watering: the plant consumes a lot of strength on the formation of flowers, and then to maintain inflorescences in a normal state.

Watering is produced as the upper layer of soil grabbed: just dried the earth "crust" - immediately need to pour. Otherwise, Yellow Schlumberger simply can reset all buds. From irrigation of the plant from the pulverizer it is better to refuse, and to maintain the necessary humidity of the air near the capacity you can put a cup with water.

Support a bright flower follows with additional power. During flowering, Sigocactus should be picked up by phosphoric and potassium fertilizers, but nitrogen-containing feeders should not be done, as they stimulate the development of green mass, and the flowers are influenced negatively.

Diseases and pests

Sygocactuses with yellow flowers are subject to the same diseases and they are affected by the same pests as the rest of the Decembrists.

The main cause of the diseases of the yellow color plant is incorrectly organized care for it, as a result of which the leaves of the Decembrist begin to blush or wither.

Specific reasons for redness and fading segments can be:

  • Sunburns (bright sunlight can also "whirl" petals in yellow inflorescences);
  • disadvantage or overabundance of phosphorus and potassium;
  • excessive watering, causing the rotation of the root system or the damage to its fungus;
  • Precooling of the plant.

The main method of combating such deviations in the development of the yellow Decembrist is to revise the plant care scheme:

  1. The plant must be rearranged away from direct sunlight from entering or provide it to shading.
  2. The flower needs regular, but not excessive watering.
  3. Fertilizers should be made strictly according to the instructions placed on the package, and no more than 1 - 2 times a month.
  4. It should not be abused by ventilating indoors where the plant is located.
  5. The processing of the Decembrist preparations "Topaz" or "Maxim" will help to get rid of the fungus.

Yellow Sklubbergeru, like her "relatives", is striking most often:

  • a web tick, causing foaming of leaves;
  • Mute Chervets who contributes to the disappearance of buds;
  • Shield, capable of causeing the yellowing and death of the plant.

From the means of struggle it is advisable to mention special drugs: "Phytoverm", "confident", "Tax", with the help of the processing of leaves.

Bright lights light yellow decorists on the windows, followed by the blizzard and frost. Warm yellow color brings the owners of an unusual plant comfort, warmth and joy, giving them memories of a sultry summer.

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