7 questions that are worth setting up before you take a mortgage


How stable do you have income?

Yes, of course, it is stable now difficult to call something, but constant work is still better for you than freelance. At least what you can count on salary at a specific date. But here everything is not so rosy. Answer yourself to a question how valuable employee and how long will you work in this company and receive this salary. After all, mortgage is a very long-playing process, which is often delayed for decades. Therefore, the more you are confident in our income, the easier it will be to pay the mortgage debt.

A very important role is played by the fact that you have a white salary or you get it in the envelope. The size of earnings directly affects whether you will endure a loan bank and how much.

By the way, even on the freelanse, you can make a mortgage. The main thing is to distribute your forces so that the money is and during the periods of the clutch. But if your income is quite a non-permanent, or you risk you daily to stay without work (liquidation of the enterprise, bad relationship with the bosses), with a mortgage better at the time.

How much money in a month you need to live?

Calculate how much money you need to live, not allowing yourself anything superfluous, and spend only on the most needed (food, clothing, mandatory payments); And to live more or less sharing, having the opportunity to relax at least occasionally and spend money for the Wishlist.

You will get two amounts to understand what about the monthly payment you are able to make a mortgage. As we mentioned above, such a loan is usually taken for 10-15 years, and if the ends meet all these years, it will not be a life, but torture. Tighten the belt is better only periodically.

But it is not enough to calculate your budget on paper. It is necessary to test it in practice. Sat and with minimal, and with a comfortable budget for several months. And try to postpone the balance of the funds that you intend to allocate for the payment for the mortgage, to the nonsense account in the bank, to feel what you live without this money. At the same time, at the initial contribution to accuming.

PEXELS / KAROLINA GRABOWSKA Do you have money for the initial fee?

Usually banks are asked the initial contribution of 20% of the cost of housing. For example, if you want to buy an apartment for 5 million, the initial contribution must be at least 500 thousand rubles.

In addition, the more the initial contribution, the less will have to take into debt by the bank. Accordingly, you will be less than the interest rate on the loan and credit period.

What accommodation do you want to have and what can you count on?

Make a list of those criteria for which you will choose housing. For example, you need an apartment in the center, in a new building, a three-room, not less than 90 square meters, with repairs. Also, add to this list costs for the content of housing, repair and purchase of furniture. You will get the real cost of the dream apartment.

And now it is determined with what housing you can afford. Examped from the list of criteria those points that seem to you less significant compared to the rest and which can reduce the cost of an apartment available to you.

Do you have an inviolable stock?

Whatever cool and reliable your work can happen so that you will stay without her. To be able to find a new job without paranoia and excessive rush to look for a new job, it is important to have a stock that you will have enough for some time to pay mortgages and life. Ideally - for three months. Without this reserve, experts do not advise you to take a mortgage.

Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
PEXELS / Andrea Piacquadio Do you plan to give birth to children?

It depends on this, whether you need a bigger apartment in the near future, and how hard you and your husband will pay a mortgage when you are on your childcare leave.

But the baby is not only expenses. Now at the birth of the first child, the state gives maternity capital, which can be spent on repayment of the mortgage.

What help from the state can you get?

For a more comfortable repayment of the mortgage, the state offers a number of benefits. Recently, a privileged lending program began to operate. The mortgage interest rate is reduced to 6%, and many banks are already working with this program. True, a cash limit is installed on the purchase of housing in the capital and other regions of the country.

In addition, various benefits and support are provided to young families (where spouses have not turned 35 years old), large families and low-income families. Finally, already with the purchase of housing, you can make a tax deduction of up to three million rubles.

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