Simple rules for the transplantation of asparagus and the best flower breeding method

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Asparagus is an unpretentious perennial plant of the Sparazhev family. Often grown in the house because of their ease of care and decorative appearance.

His lush shoots resemble feathers. Flowers asparagus with small white flowers, in the place of which the red or black fruits are formed.

Like any other flower, asparagus requires a timely transplant to preserve health and decorative appearance. In this article, we will consider in detail this process and answer questions when, how and why do you need to do.

What is it for?

  • First, it is necessary to transplant if the plant has just been bought in a flower shop. The main reason is too small pots, in which Asparagus is often formed. Also in the shopping ground may be pests or it can be deprived of the necessary nutrients necessary for the growth and development of nutrients.
  • Secondly, all types of asparagus grow rapidly and develop, so they need an annual transplant during the first five years. After the root system, it is not developing as active, so it will be enough to reset every two or three years.

When is it better to change the land or pot?

Everything is simple here. The optimal season for transplanting, as for most other domestic flowers, is the first half of the spring, the beginning of the actual growth period. Simultaneously with the transplant, in the spring it is recommended to produce both forming trimming.

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If this does not happen and in a new pot will remain a large amount of free soil, then it can score due to overwhelming in winter.

Therefore, it is not necessary to deal with a transplant from October to March, when the plant comes a peculiar period of rest. Otherwise, Asparagus may perish.

How to transplant the plant at home?

Before transplanting asparagus should prepare the soil. It can be purchased either in a specialized store, or make it yourself. If you buy in the store, make sure that there is a humus. If you decide to prepare themselves, then it will be necessary to take in equal amounts of sand, sheet soil, greenhouse and garden land.

Plant transplanting pot should be a little more than the previous 2-3 centimeter.

We turn directly to the transplant:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to spill a good water of an earthen one that the plant can be pulled out of a pot, pulling slightly. If this does not work, it should be accurately rolled along the pot walls.
  2. It is better to extract the plant together with the maximum amount of soil.
  3. If necessary, the roots can be strained and cut too long or rotten.
  4. Also, in order to update the root system, it is necessary to gently tear the part of the tuber.
  5. At the bottom of the pot must be a layer of drainage, about 1/3 of the total.
  6. Next, an updated asparagus should be placed in a new pot, sprinkling the roots of the earth is not higher than the previous level.
  7. At the end of the process you need to pour a plant well.

Depending on the ultimate goal, after extracting from the pot you can prohibitive and sear the plant. For this, the earthen command must be divided into several parts. Each plant resulting in this should have its own full root system. Next, you should put it in a separate pot with drainage and nutritional mixture.

This type of prison of asparagus is more convenient than reproduction with cuttings. The plant already has its own root system and it will take less time to acclimatization.

Possible problems

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In fact, the only problem in transplant is a powerful root system. Because of it, it is quite difficult to remove the plant from the pot.

As mentioned above, this question can be solved by a pre-abundant watering water or using a knife, which is neatly carried out at the edges of the pot.

The situation is somewhat more complicated if the roots of the plant stick out of the drain holes pot. By negligence they can be damaged that it will extend the acclimatization process and complicates rooting. In this case, abundant watering will also help. Water is poured into several techniques, so that it carefully soak all the soil layers. The wet roots of asparagus are more elastic and they will be easier to extract from the pot, and unravel for seating.

Care after intervention

Asparagus does not like himself when it is disturbed, so the first time will need acclimatization. During her, the shoots of the plant can shrust and even suck. To help the plant survive stress, it needs to be put in the pronounced place. It should also be protected from drafts.

All this time, it is necessary to maintain the soil in a wet state - not overnight, but not too raw. It is not recommended to fertilize at this time, as you can burn the roots if they cut.

Asparagus is a fairly tender plant, but unpretentious. Of particular difficulties in its transplant usually does not occur. It is necessary to simply prepare the appropriate primer and gently handle roots, then your pet will definitely be healthy and thank for care to your attractive appearance.

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