What to do at home January 15-22: Concerts, movies, exhibitions, performances and events online

What to do at home January 15-22: Concerts, movies, exhibitions, performances and events online 16830_1
What to do at home January 15-22: Concerts, cinema, exhibitions, performances and events online Anna Kaz

A selection of classes for those who do not want to leave the house during the Pandemic period - online concerts, films records and performances, online exhibitions and events. Write a charitable festival with Lady Gaga and Billy Alish, a performance with Faini Ranevskaya, the main films that we watched during the past decade and culinary workshops from the famous chefs - Time Out collected the most interesting virtual events of the coming week.







Lera Lynn.

Kay Pop, Titstok, Cowid and Queen Disco: Musical results of the 2020

Lera Lynn - a performer whose music can be heard in the series "This Detective". Recently, Lynn came out on My Own album, fully recorded by her itself. The live broadcast took place on YouTube-channel Paste magazine from their own studio in Nashville this November.


Music for those who want to dive - the archival record of the performance of Radiohead Live From A Tent in Dublin, played in October 2000.

One World: #toGetherathome

Update playlist: Russian musicians about the best releases of the 2020

The record of the charity festival, organized jointly with WHO, the purpose of which was to support medical workers. The festival was attended by musicians of different genres and generations, and the proceeds were donated to the fight against coronavirus. On stage - Lady Gaga, Billy Alish, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Alanis Morissette, Lizzo, Stevie Wonder, John Ledgend and other musicians.


Reverse rewind. Best films 2011-2020

2020th was the last year of the decade. Time Out looks back to find out how movies changed during this time, the world and we ourselves, and at the same time with the help of readers choose the best films.

Film "Dear comrades!" on Okko.

Okko offers its subscribers to see the historic drama of Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!", Claiming "Oscar" from Russia. The picture is available in Full HD format without additional fees in the "Optimum" and Premium subscriptions for all registered users in iOS, Android applications, Smart TV, on OKKO Smartbox, Sberbox and on OKKO.TV on January 14.

"Game in imitation"

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The film with Benedict Cumberbetch, dedicated to Alan Turing. Britain, the beginning of the Second World War. The best mathematics of the country gathered together to try to hack the Enigma fascist encryption code. The film can be found for free in the online cinema IVI.


Performance "Exodus" - Select Time OutWhen: Anytime

Where: Podcast Platforms


Other interesting offline and online playing January - in our article

"" All Russia is our garden! " - Heroes Chekhov exclaimed a hundred years ago. Polyna Borodina's play characters could compare their home with Russia - psychiatric hospital. The main character, 43-year-old Moses turns out there with loss of memory and trying to build a new life, but gradually realizes that it is impossible to escape from the past.

Audio Aleksandra Vartanova perfectly recreates the environment - both social and sound, - forcing us to empathize with ridiculous, unhappy and very touching patients of the hospital "

Margarita Lyalinskaya, Time Out theater browser.

Music-choreographic Performance Inside Music

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Performance created by the Jade Project group and the artists of the "Ballet Moskva" Andrei Ostapenko and Anastasia Peshkova, passed on November 3 in the framework of the Night of Arts 2020 in the online format. Performance Participants are confident: modern music of any style is only an infinitely small part of a huge universe, in which you can hear echoes and intersection with the esoteric musical practices of the East, the avant-garde, a postman and the massive musical styles of the twentieth century.

Performance "Next - silence"

Statement of the State Academic Theater. Mossovet, 1978 The play with Fainen Ranevskaya and Rostislav Kattom on the play of the guilt of Delmar "Give the place of tomorrow."


Virtual Reality, Faberge Eggs and Snapshots of Cotes: 10 Russian Museums online

From the underground to the "garage": Moscow on the world art scene

During a forced game in hide and seeers with coronavirus, even viewing the series and germination into the sofa can be bought. In this case, cultural leisure will come to the rescue. Time Out disassembles the online program of Russia's museum users - you are waiting for virtual reality, lectures on performances, archival photos of cats and much more.

Gallery of Neural Taste "Yandex"

Neurons and impressionism. What is psychology and neuroscience think about art?

Yandex represents the Virtual Museum of all the pictures in which they are created neural vehicles. In total, 4,000 paintings selected by another neural curator can be seen in the gallery. To create work, neurallet was taught with the help of 40,000 works written in different styles - from cubism and surrealism to minimalism and abstraction.

Museum of Modern Art "Erant" online

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St. Petersburg Museum "Erant" is one of the largest museums of contemporary art in Russia. Together with the Google Arts & Culture platform, they have created an online branch of the museum, where you can see the main exposure, and several author's projects of Erant.


Lecture of potions Togulova on the sensational exhibitions-blockbusters and projects that can become them

When: January 15 at 18:00

View a lecture

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Over the past 5 years, the Tretyakovka has shown an amazing example: at the exhibitions for long well-known artists Valentina Serov, Vasily Vereshchagin, Vasily Polenova suddenly began to walk hundreds of thousands of people. The director of the State Tretyakov Gallery of the Zelphira Ismailovna will talk about the recipe of the blockbuster exhibition: how are ideas arise, how many people work on the project, what is the complexity of a multi-thousand-museum for the museum and whether museums wait that after a pandemic he will return?

# Dombasnasilia: All-Russian Online Conference

When: January 20 at 12:00


What a woman does not want: Available on the ideas of feminism

The combined edition of Moscow Media organizes an online conference on the topic of domestic violence. It will be held in a round table format. Experts will tell how to recognize domestic violence and where to seek help. Leonid Zakoshansky and Margarita Grachev, the victim of domestic violence, whom the husband cut off the hand of his hands.

Free course "Universal Art History. The art of revival. Part 2"

When: January 18 - February 8, 20: 00-21: 30

Schedule lectures Archive records

Moscow Manege, together with the Department of Universal History of Arts of the History Faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, represents a series of lectures dedicated to the era of the Renaissance. Listeners learn about the innovations of Leonardo, the works of Michelangelo, the architecture and art of the late Renaissance and mannerism and many other things. Lectures are free, registration is not required.

Culinary workshops from Novikov School

When: January 24 and 30


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Novikov School Culinary School will hold a series of free online master classes within the Breakfest festival. On January 24, the Chef of St. Petersburg Restaurant Saviv Antonio Millus will teach the viewers to prepare Benedict's eggs with salmon and red caviar, and on January 30, Roman Palkin will tell about the sign position from the Laduree-A-La-Russe restaurant menu - ocher with a sweet shrimp and pike caviar.

Let me teach me: 5 online schools that will help master creative professions

Option for those who can not without fresh air:

7 top ski trails in Moscow and Moscow region

In childhood, we often dream to master creative professions, but matured, we turn to other specialties that seem more serious to us. It's time to please the inner child and learn something new. Moreover, now it can be done without even leaving home. Time Out talks about 5 class online schools in which you will be taught to write, conduct excursions, draw, create fashionable brands and make animation films.

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