"Yandex. Market "called the most popular gifts among Russians on February 14


Experts of the service "Yandex. Market "Analyzed consumer demand in January and February and told that they bought Russians to Valentine's Day. The study compared information on orders from February 3 to 9 and from January 20 to January 26, 2021.

Dimitris Vetsikas / Pixabay

One of the leaders in the growth of demand for Yandex. Market »On the eve of the holiday, gift sets with cosmetics were steel. For the period 3-9 February, Russians made almost 3 times more orders in the category than January 20-26. Most often on the "Market" bought sets with shampoo and air conditioning for hair, gel for the shower and deodorant, as well as sets with a pedicure tools. In the middle Russians spent 1150 rubles for such a gift.

Another fast-growing category on the eve of holidays is electronics. So, by 167% the number of orders of game consoles increased, by 134% - games to them, and by 27% - headphones.

The popularity of sweet gifts is also growing - the number of chocolate orders and products from it increased by 150%. In this category, candy enjoy the greatest demand (they began to buy by 72% more often), chocolate eggs (by 67%) and chocolate tiles (by 62%).

Ros interest and to traditional gifts for men. On the eve of the holiday, the Marketplace clients have become more actively interested in flasks - the number of orders in the category has grown by 211%. 82% increased demand for hiking knives and multitulas, and poker kits began to buy 2 times more often.

Before St. Valentine's Day at Yandex. Market "grows demand for goods to create a romantic atmosphere. Thus, the number of orders for adults has grown by 164%, acoustic guitars - by 21%, and balloons - by 20%. Also, 40% more often began to buy goods for massage - massage rollers, hydro and vibro-making and so on.

According to the marketer experts, traditionally on the eve of the day of all lovers, the Russians begin more often interested in intimate goods. This year, the demand for category grew by 42%, and vibrators became the most popular goods. In the middle of the Russians spent 1900 rubles for such a purchase.

Earlier it was reported that the shops "Russian shoes" began to issue the parcels "Yandex. Market. "

In addition, Yandex GO will be delivered by the delivery of farm products from marketer "his native".


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