First piloted mission, launched by a private company - Ilon Mask launched a ship to the ISS


    It happened! Cosmos became private, and this is not a joke. Ilona Mask company launched a rocket with American astronauts. Now the billionaire can rightly be proud of himself and wipe the nose to everyone who did not believe in him. The launch was broadcast on world television channels, there were billions of residents of the Earth. The event took place on the historical cosmodrome of Cape Canaveral in Florida.

    First piloted mission, launched by a private company - Ilon Mask launched a ship to the ISS 16804_1
    Rocket launch became a landmark event

    From the first attempt to send Falcon 9 failed. I prevented bad weather, some errors in the calculations. But this did not prevent the success of the second attempt. The launch of Falcon 9 passed in normal mode, the first stage returned to the ground and smoothly stood on a floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean.

    At the start of the ship, US President D. Trump was observed. He arrived at Cape Canaveral to personally see the victory of the American billionaire. The separation of the second stage was encountered by applause. After that, the ship with astronauts on board went into the orbit of the Earth in the last time.

    The Astronaut team is NASA Bob Benken and Doug Herley's pilots. These are real veterans of the US Space Program, which worked by military pilots testing and flew more than the "shuttle". The crew will spend more than 100 days in orbit, and then return to Earth.

    First piloted mission, launched by a private company - Ilon Mask launched a ship to the ISS 16804_2
    Astronauts team on the ship

    Crew Dragon is an enhanced modification of the Dragon truck. The model is not new to the interstellar flights, there were already shipped to the ISS on it. The pilotable ship was taken to the station by the Falcon 9 carrier, all the docking was also held without the involvement of astronauts.

    Technical procedures for the crew of pilots will take time, and then astronauts will be able to join the pilots on the ISS. The first piloted mission from a private company has passed perfectly. The historical event on May 30, 2020 will enter the Annala NASA as the possibility of Americans to fly into space without cooperation with Russian services.

    First piloted mission, launched by a private company - Ilon Mask launched a ship to the ISS 16804_3
    Behind the launch watched from the ground and from the sky

    Perhaps the most important is the pilotable mission for NASA. The US state service was forced to fly to the ISS on the ships of the Russian Federation. It only added to Americans problems and forced to put up with the requirements and fulfill all the conditions.

    The prosperous completion of the mission will return the United States to the positions that were left in 2011. The Americans were forced to minimize the Space Shuttle program and refuse to attempt to independently conquer space.

    First piloted mission, launched by a private company - Ilon Mask launched a ship to the ISS 16804_4
    Ilon Mask - New Hero of America

    In Russia, the launch of astronauts from the United States was valued very high. Many researchers and scientists agree that two transport systems in space are much better than one.

    NASA also received congratulations from Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of the Russian Corporation. At the held conference, Ilon Mask reminded Rogozin his own joke. In 2014, the general director threatened that if the Russians refuse to deliver Americans into orbit, they would have to come up with a trampoline. Mask cheerfully laughed and answered Rogozin: "Batuta works."

    How events will develop, time will show. Space development can be a new stumbling point or bring two states. But still the day of launching Crew Dragon will remain in history as the first and only when the rocket flew into space from a private company.

    First piloted mission, launched by a private company - Ilon Mask launched a ship to the ISS 16804_5
    Cosmos received another transport system from the ground

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