The study has proven that happy childhood does not guarantee the lack of issues with the psyche in the future

The study has proven that happy childhood does not guarantee the lack of issues with the psyche in the future 16803_1

An important thing is important

The Australian scientists of decades have observed a group of people and found that happy childhood cannot protect against the risk of depression and other mental disorders in adulthood.

In society there is such a stereotype that if the child grows happy and in a prosperous family, then a confident adult grows out of him with strong and healthy psyche.

Childhood, undoubtedly, plays an important role in the development of a person and the formation of a person. Children who grew in the atmosphere of constant stress either received mental injury, acquire a bunch of additional health problems in adulthood. But does it guarantee a happy childhood that the child will avoid many problems with the psyche?

Scientists from the University of South Australia and the University of Canberra found a confirmation of one theory and denied the other.

It was previously argued that traumatic experiences in childhood increased the risk of depression, anxious disorder, aggressive behavior and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the future. Allegedly a child with happy childhood in most cases will not suffer from all listed problems.

Australian specialists watched children with various children's experience for decades. They found out that any past experience affects children - and negative, and positive.

That is, children who had quite happy childhood, they still suffered from depression, PTSD and other health problems.

Of course, in children with disadvantaged childhood, the risk of acquiring a psyche disorder in adulthood above, but also a cloudless childhood did not save children from disturbing disorders and depressive states.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the child from psychological problems is not protected at all past experience and not the situation in the family, but another important factor - the ability to adapt to any life scenario and cope with stress. It is important to teach a child how to react to trouble in life, and help him develop this skill.

Bianca Cal, who headed the research group, stated that in its next work, focuses on this hypothesis.

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