What are the chances of writing off the LCD?

What are the chances of writing off the LCD? 1679_1

Last year, Russians have accumulated debts for heating in the amount of more than 209 billion rubles. The collection of payments fell to 85%, which means that energy users will miss the funds to upgrade networks, so the growth of the accident in will inevit. According to analysts, the upcoming elections to the State Duma will help break this vicious circle, because officials can go to meet their electorate, "Moscow Komsomolets" reports.

The main analyst TeleTRADE Mark Goyhman noted that the growth of debts led, including a moratorium on debt, which authorities were injected due to a coronavirus pandemic.

"The logic of citizens is simple: if the non-payment" will not be nothing ", then it is possible to push it to the date - there are more important, vital expenses," said the expert.

He is confident that the situation can stabilize in 2021, as the acute phase of the pandemic is already behind.

A specialist in the field of housing and communal services, director of the Organization of People's Control Natalya Chernysheva warned about the growth of tariffs, because it is so that the utilities will have to compensate for damages.

"All companies will insist on raising tariffs, and there will be assisted from the state as address subsidies to resource-supplying organizations," she said.

Despite the increased debt of the population for heat, experts believe that before turning off the tenants from heat in the cold season it should not be reached.

Chernysheva explained that heating is a service that cannot be turned off for debts throughout the heating season. In each region, the end of the heating season is different, and, for example, this can be done only if the average daily temperature exceeded 8 degrees Celsius.

"Let's hope that the discharges of heating for debts will not be anywhere, and the heating season itself will not cease ahead," the expert said.

Also, the interlocutors "MK" believe that citizens will help pay for debts as part of the upcoming election campaign in the State Duma. Goyakhman suggested that officials can go to the introduction of installments or direct payments to certain categories of citizens.

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