15+ photos that will make your day sweet like sugar wool


To retain from negativity is not easy, but some people stretch out other help hand, placing photos on the Internet, which will raise the mood to anyone. From the reaction of the grandfather to a meeting with the first grandson to the joy of a saved dog - these stories can cause tears of lunate even at the most rigid person.

Adme.ru managed to track down the most touching and kind content on the Internet, which we just leave here so that you were nice.

1. "My son was waiting for a school bus when I passed by and saw it"

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© bobmur1975 / reddit

2. "My dad saw my first grandson"

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© BubbleGumpRincesss / Reddit

3. "My 96-year-old granny makes sauce"

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© tik__tik / reddit

4. "My great-grandmother, which will be 103 years on Valentine's Day, laughs with my 2-month-old daughter"

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© MrsRoyalmountain / Reddit

5. "My grandmother and grandfather took the kitten and sent me this photo by mail"

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© MTLSV / Reddit

6. "It doesn't matter how cool you are, sometimes you just need your Winnie Pooh"

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© MetalHeadGod69 / Reddit

7. "From a frightened kitten in the parking lot, he turned into our favorite Totoro"

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© TryintobeCalm / Reddit

8. "My parents fell asleep on the sofa, holding hands"

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© NeeeenBean / Reddit

9. "She loves to rub his foreheads"

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10. "The wife bought me on the birthday of the Glasses Enchroma, and I first see the color!"

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11. "I live in the village. Recently, we had a homeless kitten in the chicken coop, and now he considers white chicken with his mother "

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© Yoyag-Art / Reddit

12. "After Hurricane" Harvey "we found a dog that hid in our jeep. We saved her, and now with her everything is in order "

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© dwmgt350 / imgur

13. "My husband goes to Reddit every day. Let's see if we can surprise him. Happy Valentine's Day!"

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© rubinovy17 / reddit

On the board it is written: "Roses are red, violets blue, you are the best dad, now for two!"

14. "Grandmother's vision flies, and she loves to play cards and board games. Aunt bought her huge UNO cards so that she would play and then "

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© Halhfin / Reddit

15. In the Berlin Zoo celebrate the birth of a gorilla for the first time in 16 years!

16. "When in your house is full of shepherd dogs and one frozen lamb to heal"

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© Jaderbug12 / Reddit

And what helps you add positive on your day? Have you ever managed to make a dynamic photo? You know that we love your stories and photos, so do not hesitate to share.

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