The Creator Siri makes the application for iPhone to measure pressure


Measure the pulse today any smartphone, regardless of the operating system and the presence of a special sensor. The developers have long learned how to count this indicator with a non-invasive way using special applications and chamber. Total need to download such a program to a smartphone, run it, attach a finger to the lens and wait for the end of the measurement. The result, which usually gives such applications is quite close to real indicators, making it optional use of fitness bracelets and smart watches. But, apparently, in this way, not only the pulse can be measured, but also blood pressure.

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Until now, there were no pressure measurement applications on the market

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Riva Health startup, which was founded by the Indian doctor Tukhin Sinha and the former project manager of the Siri Dag Kittlaus, is working on creating an application for the iPhone with a pressure measurement function. It is based on a long-known blood flow technology, which is applied with pulsalem meters.

Is it possible to measure the pressure with a smartphone

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Riva Health app will act on the principle of the pulsometer, translucent capillaries and measuring the wave length

It is to enlighten the capillaries in the finger and consider the color wave. However, Sainte managed to recycle it and reorient to measure blood pressure so that it turned out a very efficient and non-invasive agent.

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According to the author of the development, the entire process of measuring pressure is no different from the calculations of the pulse. Despite the fact that tonometry is a much more complex process, Sinha assures that its technology allows measurements for 5-7 heart blows. That is, under normal conditions it is about 3-4 seconds.

This may seem someone unrealizable fantasy, but Sainhe not only managed to attract more than 15 million investments, but also submit an application for approval of technology to the American Sanitary Office of Food and Medicines (FDA). No, she has not passed the check and did not receive the necessary certificates. But the fact that the development of Riva Health has overcome the existing valuables of the department, already suggests that it can potentially begin to be applied in practice.

Pressure Measurement Application

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According to the developers, the accuracy of pressure measurement applications are not inferior to conventional tonometers

Riva Health developers understand that the first time their development will not be confident in doctors. However, due to the high accuracy of the measurements, which it proposes, it is obvious that with the time an application that calculates blood pressure will be a real panacea. After all, it is impossible to carry a tonometer with me everywhere with a cuffs to just stand up pressure. And with the application for the smartphone, this procedure comes literally to a new level.

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The Riva Health application for measuring blood pressure using a smartphone camera will be closer to the end of this or the beginning of next year. It initially starts to the United States, but then the startup plans to start its distribution worldwide. Such a separation is due to the fact that the developers will have to get permission to launch their product in the supervisory bodies of each of the countries where it will be launched.

The fact is that all product-oriented products must necessarily go through certification. It is for this reason that Apple could not run the ECG measurement using Apple Watch in Russia. But Russia was not the last country where this feature appeared. After us, Japan and Australia were still quite advanced countries. So it is not particularly surprised by the expected delay.

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