Francoise de Monmodrance-Fossia - Favorite-Devil with an angelic face


Francoazu de Monmodi-Fosso called "beautiful" phossosis "or the devil with an angelic face. This woman caused contradictory feelings, but King Heinrich IV was crazy about her. The secret of the attractiveness of this beauty was walking in a truly innocent guise of angel, which, however, did not fit the essence of Francão.

Despite the status of a married lady, Montorancy Fossia with ease conquered the hearts of men and without the revelation of conscience, changed their spouse. Despite all his talents and a calculating temper, she did not take into account one - King Heinrich Navararsky was always in trusting relations with the queen, which was tolerated next to her favorite. And it was she who asked for the help of Francoise.

What ended this story? Did Francoisa de Montorancy Fossia be able to save his influence at the courtyard?

Young beauty at the court

Francoisa de Monmodransi Fossia was born in 1566, becoming the younger among the daughters of the French court, who came from a noble kind. After the death of the father, the mother of Francão took over the future girls. Thanks to related links, the thirteen-year-old charming was able to arrange Freillina to Margarita de Valua, known as the Queen Margo.

Cute beauty immediately attracted the attention of the courtiers. Francoise possessed many talents, was distinguished by good manners, was brought up and delicate, but her beauty was considered the main advantage. As I noted, the girl even nicknamed the "beautiful fossession."

The king himself, having seen a charming young lady, was delighted with her. Initially, they tied tender friendship. Heinrich Navararsky often saved the girl to his knees, having fun with her.

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Francois Kenel "Beautiful Fosseza"

From the side it might seem like a monarch simply fond with his favorite. In fact, the king, who fed a passion for such a young creature, evaluated the charms of the Freillia of his wife. As the queen itself, at first, this is the "innocent" passion for the spouse did not give her trouble.

In my opinion, Henry Navarrian and his wife Margarita was associated more friendly than love bonds. Each of the spouses was not sinless, but he could rely on the other at any time. It was a very successful union. Interestingly, many Favoritsa Henry has put the prospect of becoming a future queen, assuring that it will discern with barren Margarita. However, before the promise fulfillment, did not come.

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Aristocrat. Is not a portrait of Francoise de Monmorancy Fosso / © amanda Rae /

Greens about royal power

"Beautiful phosseza" was one of the first girls who believed in the promise of the king. Moreover, such assurances appeared not on the "empty" place. Heinrich found out that Francoise became interested in the queen's brother, charming twenty-five-year-old Francois.

To attract a favorite to your side, the monarch promised her the power and titles and in the end - the status of the queen. Of course, naive girl sincerely believed henrich, not even thinking that shortly before his appearance, the king threw her former mistress.

A few months after the start of the stormy novel, it became clear that Francoise is waiting for a child. Fosseza rejoiced that he could give the king of the heir, already dreaming about his coronation and a wedding with a monarch.

Francoise often kept Margarita Navarre, refused to fulfill orders, which violated the rules of the behavior of Freinin. Despite this audacity, nor the favorite itself nor the king was announced about the upcoming appearance of a child.

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Margarita de Valua with brother Francois (right)

King, queen and phossosis

At the suggestion of King, Francoise went with him on the water, but now it would be difficult to call a romantic journey. Together with the monarch and his mistress went to the road and his spouse. Henry himself insisted that Margarita accompanied him and favorite.

In the meantime, it was time for the birth of Fanshaz quickly, and the king was still afraid to say at the court, that his favorite was wearing a child under the heart, and not "suffers from gastritis," as they stated. Ironically, the only person, to which Heinrich could contact, became his wife. In his diaries, Queen recalled, as a confused husband came to her in chambers, saying the pregnancy of his mistress.

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Anthony Paul Emil Merl "Heinrich Navararsky and Lovely Fosseza"

Margarita Navarre recalled the words of the king:

"I will be very grateful if you climb and immediately go to the phossosis, which is very bad and who needs help. I am sure that you yourself do not want to see her position, remember the past. You know how I love her, and I ask you, do it for me. "

We must pay tribute to the indulgent and noble queen, she fulfilled her husband's request. Laying several maid and lykar to Francoise, she helped that successfully resolved from the burden.

Alas, the daughter of the king's favorite was born dead. Despite the help of Margarita, Francoise continued to configure the king against it. However, these attempts could not stop rumors, which was already rapidly distributed at the court.

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Peter Paul Rubens "Queen Margarita Valua, the first wife Henry IV"


If Margarita Navarre's steadfaciously made the situation arising, then the queen mother was not going to put up with a favorite, because of which a public scandal was called. In the spring of 1582, Fosseza was sent to his mother, moving away from the courtyard.

I do not think that Heinrich IV was too worried because of this loss. By that time, the seducer with an angelic larch had already bored him, and he devoted all his time Diana d'anduan, which later acquired the nickname "Beautiful Corrizanda".

In 1596, Francoise de Monmorancy Fossia married Anzhui Aristocrat Francois De Broca, in marriage with which four children were married. She lived quite a long life, died in 1641.

The second half of the life of Francoise de Monmodi Fossia was deprived of that brilliance, luxury, intrigue and novels, which enjoyed this woman in his youth. That's just a love relationship with the king did not bring happiness to Fossez, which was dreaming about the monarch of power. Her ambitions were superior to feelings, and for Henrich Navararsky, she was only temporary entertainment, which was changed by other, no less charming favorites.

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