"The world turned over": the death of the lane became a blow to his colleagues and friends


Care from the life of the people's artist Vasily Lanovoy became a colossal loss for the domestic theater and cinema.

Almost a month, the actor fought Coronavirus courageously, transferred surgery, clinical death, was connected to the IVL apparatus, but the disease turned out to be stronger. The heart of the lasoy stopped on January 28 at 22:56. According to colleagues, the artist was a very simple, smiling man.

Angelina VKOV, TV presenter: "When I learned about the death of the lasover, my world turned over. Vasily Lanovova belonged to the category of people with which many admired. He was not only the brilliant artist, it was the man of the highest spirit. We were neighbors, very often met in the yard, together walked dogs. He belonged to the category of people who are not very stripped into frank conversations, never complained about health. I often in the temple met his wife Irina Kupchenko, just a couple of times I saw in the temple of the lasover. There are people who do not believe in God, believe in themselves, to the country, in fate, in talent, in the friends of the real. He had real friends, but he was very closed. Maybe imparting the tragic death of his son. "

Vladimir Konkin, Actor: "I love this family very much. We never climbed each other. Vasily knew that I had such a tragedy, last year I happened to my daughter last year. When children leave earlier than it should be, it's hard. He called me and said: Volodley, you hold on, we are at Kurchagin. This phrase is very important for me, it's like an installation. I just got koronavirus, I had 27% lung defeat. No one in my surroundings stood. I was all the time in a mask, I do not know where he picked up. "

The image of a real person: the main roles of Vasily Lanovoy

According to Konkina, lasova, probably underestimated danger, although since last year he felt very badly.

Angelina Vovk: "Last year, in St. Petersburg, Lanovoy handed the award. He barely daughtered. And when he was awarded him, he could not even stand, he had very bad health with his health. "

In the studio of the Star Program, Vladimir Conquin admitted that the loss of a child is a serious test that takes a huge amount of resources, including health and years of life.

Legend left: Vasily Lanovoy

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