"Uncle" or why Ivan Rodionova still remembers his countrymen


The tradition of reverence of people deprived of health, but gifted to the special grace of God, always existed in the Russian people. The 20th century did not exception and revealed a whole premium of the children of God, flawed physically, but endowed with the grace of prophecy, healing, and a special prayer force. Many of them are Matrius Moskovskaya, Matrius Amneashevskaya, Maria Gatchinskaya - glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church in the Lick of Saints.

Our countryman, a resident of Vasilevo Ivan Rodionov, who died over 70 years ago, the church was not canonized. But his unusual fate, pious life, and unusual abilities, people still remember.


Ivan Ivanovich Rodionov was born in the village of Vasilevo Vasilevsky volost Egoryevsky county in 1881 (according to some data in 1882) in the family of Ivan Alekseevich Rodionova and Ekaterina Yakovlevna Rodionov (in Maiden, the mother was named Chepkov). The family of rustic standards was provided, Ivan Alekseevich was a rural elder. Vanya was born a third child in the family. As a child, he was a healthy and developed boy, early learned by literacy and read the books that sent a rich relative from Moscow, who worked the elder brother Fedor.

At the age of 16, Ivan got poliomyelitis. The disease damaged the joints of the legs. Walking to him became very hard. He became silent and only plunged into reading books. Main church.

Prayer room

In the memory of the one-bedroom, Ivan Ivanovich remained a good man, who in people saw a good and his prayers helped to grow up good. For his kindness, people called him the smear name "Uncle". So called him and in the family.

"Uncle" was a very believer man. He knew sacred writing. Houses in the Red Corner were arranged iconostasis with many icons. In the center of the iconostasis was the image of the Virgin with the Savior in his arms.

Before the closure of the Preobrazhensky temple in the village of Spas-Leonovna Ivan Ivanovich went to the service there, standing behind the analog and leaning on him, read the prayer, the psalter. After the closure of the temple began to go to the trinity church of the village low. The path of 4 kilometers long was given to him with difficulty, took more than two hours. He walked as always, relying on two sticks.

Local residents often asked him prayers. For someone, "Uncle" simply prayed at home and in the temple. In severe cases, I took to the calculation. Most often reported "Uncle" in the house of the widow manty woman Mary Efremova, who lived with his daughter. I read for a long time. At the time of the finish, the curtains on the windows were rearned.

Applying "Uncle" not only fellow villagers. People came from other villages and even from Moscow. One day an unfamiliar military arrived at Zireevo Zireevo Station, began to ask where Rodionova could find. He was shown the road. A few days later brought his wife on the cart. As the local spoke, "she did", that is, they brought damage. Woman has become better.

Most familiar familiar Brother Fedor, who Ivan Ivanovich also came from Moscow, and also helped solve their spiritual and bodily problems.

Ivan Ivanovich did not take money from their visitors. Sometimes they brought food. And more often, not due to its help to someone, but simply as care about the sick and respected fellow villagers. So, if anywhere in the pancakes started, then someone from the kids were sent with the hotel and to "Uncle".

Dar of foresight

The piousness of Ivan Ivanovich was so great that the Lord granted him not only the ability to bring comfort to people in bodily and mental souls, but also the gift of foresight and inspireness. This gift opened in Uncle in the 1930s.

One woman came with his misfortune. Husband left her to another. "Uncle" ordered to assemble the things left by her husband in the nodule and humbly attributed to his new place of residence. Do not scandal, do not swear, but just quietly explain that here, they say, forgotten things. A week later, a woman came running to Ivan Ivanovich joyful - the man returned. "And now, look, do not push," he said.

They came worse, the husbands of which simply "wrapped the left." This gave the following advice - "How to return, pour a glass and put it. And pray ... ".

The son of Anna Savelieva from Vasilevo in infancy was very sick. Mother almost lost hope that he will walk. Brought him to Uncle. Having created a prayer, Ivan Ivanovich said: "Your son will run." These words came true, the boy, his name was Victor, Rasp and went. Lived up to 82 two years. Various healthy health.

Nightly yes, the war told the village forge, Vasilia Firsovo, with whom he was friendly: "Soon hunger comes, but you will have bread." And indeed, during the war, Vasily had a lot of work, from all the surrounding collective farms came to him to repair the carts and ride horses. We paid the grain, and his family was not starved.

Sometimes people came to Uncle just like that for interest, not believing in his ability. The thoughts of such he saw immediately and the people of these, as a rule, did not accept. "You said that I don't know anything," he repeated their words them.

During the war, the fate of many husbands and sons designed to the front was unknown in the first two years. Women from all over the districts went to "Uncle", learn about the fate of loved ones and ask his prayers for them. If Uncle saw that the soldier was alive, he spoke about it clearly - "Your alive and return." His predictions came true. If I saw that a person was killed, answered indefinitely, trying how he could, console.


Ivan Ivanovich lived in a spacious rustic house, which built in 1920-1921 his brother Fyodor, who worked in Moscow. During collectivization, Brother Fedor left for a while with his family to another brother, Alexey in Kostroma. Therefore, when they came to spread the Rodionov, in the house they found one non-working disabled person. The Lord entered the local government does not touch him. Only in the courtyard placed collective farm horses. After this incident, Uncle lived in the house one another two years. I came to help him on the housework is a lonely local woman named Tatiana. Then the relatives returned.

The last two years "Uncle" did not come out of the house. Sometimes I found the strength to stand up to the aalo. I prayed a lot and frantically, his shirt was excised from the glory sign, and the knees are cooled into the blood. He spoke very badly, he understood it better than all his wife of Brother Fyodor, caring for a relative.

For a while, his care was predicted to death. Wanted to bury myself from the church of the village of Ryzhevo. He said that he would carry him there on the hands of "widows and girls." This testament turned out to be unexpected for all relatives. Near Vasilevo was their rural cemetery. In the village of Low, where the uncle was praying - one more. Before Ryzhevo - at least ten kilometers, and even in a bad road. But everything turned out exactly as Ivan Ivanovich said. In the collective farm, the horse at the funeral was not given. The Chairman of the Rural Council Zhurin also refused to highlight the cart. For the transport of a coffin, the niece of Uncle Elena Fedorovna Vorontsova (Rodionova), who worked as a teacher asked for a wagon in Savvin school. The cart was given, but on the way to Vasilevo, she broke twice. Then the procession of "widows and maidens" took the coffin on the hands carried on the rural lineage in the Ryzhevo. So this is the prediction of uncle.

He was buried "Uncle" on September 13, 1943 at the right throne of the Church, next to the first priest. A few years after his death, the village women went to the grave to take land. They applied to the sore joints or to the cheek, when the tooth burns.

In 2011, relatives established a new monument on the grave of Ivan Ivanovich.

Nikolai Sergeevich Rodionov recalls, grand-nephew I.I.Rodionova

I was 12 years old. Mother scolded me for some kind of propulsion, and Uncle tells her: "Take care of him. This is your feeder. " It was in 1942. I thought what else feeder, our father is alive, works, and not at the front. But in 1946, the Father did not. Us the mother left three and I am for the elder. The words of the uncle so sealed in the soul that I tried all my life to fulfill the role of the breadwinner.

Remembers Vera Ivanovna Ryabchikova (Bryzygin), born in 1931, a native of the village of Savvino

When I was 6 or 8 years old (1937-1939), aunt Nastya Mitrofanov scored a horse in a collective farm and brought home uncle, and for what purpose I do not know. And we, small, ran to the uncle to ask for bread. He lay, but he asked her hand. At that time, aunt Nastya came out and drove us. Uncle lived in her a few days.

Perhaps the arrival of Uncle was associated with the opportunity to communicate with him from local residents.

Recalls Claudia Nikolaevna Zholtov, born in 1923, a native of the village of Low

"Uncle" went to our church into the church. Stood on services, leaning on sticks. We, children, were afraid of him, but not because he was evil, but because she walked scary. When the "Uncle" passed through the village, the father ranked the windows so that we did not curiose and did not laugh at him for an intimacy.

In Vasilevo, I lived two aunt for the mother. At one, aunt Poly, the daughter of Valya died at 9 years old - my cousin. I came to them, Valya lies in the coffin, aunt's aunt cries. "Uncle" was also there. "Fields, do not cry for it," he said. "This is how to cry," and showed me. Indeed, life has been very heavy.

The last photo of Ivan Ivanovich Rodionova. Made at the end of the twenties - the beginning of the thirties at the fence of the temple of the village of Spas-Leonovshchina.
Family of Rodionov, 1907. Ivan Ivanovich - the second right. Warm windings are visible on his sick legs.
The house in which lived I.Rodionov (modern view)

Alexander Sergeevich Vorontsov recalls, grand-nephew I.I.Rodionova

Ivan Ivanovich in detail predicted the fate of my mother and his niece Elena Fedorovna Vorontsova (in the Maiden's Rodionova), who recalled his predictions all his life.

Anna Ivanovna Shuravin recalls, a resident of Vasilevo village, born in 1915.

I remember one case. It was before the war. Mother fell on the head board, the blow was strong. Mother slotted, was very bad. Sent for "uncle." He came, relying on his two sticks. I read the prayers over her, although I spoke myself badly. Mother rose. Only heard after this case has become worse. Other our village residents, too, if anything happens, turned to Uncle.

Rural Old Town Ivan Alekseevich Rodionov (worth the second right) with parents - Father I.Rodionova.

The house in which I.Rodionov lived in the 1990s.

Grave I.I.Rodionova in Ryzhevo

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