What do men think about women behind the wheel?


Each year on the roads of our country, there is more and more autoled, confidently manage the most different vehicles - from compact small-tapes to massive SUVs. Moreover, charming ladies are now driving a taxi and buses - the truth, while only urban.

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I wonder - and how do motor-male men apply? This was found out by Specialists of the Avtospets Center, which conducted an appropriate online survey among men's drivers aged 18 to 60 years.

Unfortunately, outdated to moldiness an opinion that from a woman behind the wheel on the road is not worth waiting for nothing good, still takes place to be. This point of view was expressed by 40% of respondents.

The reasons for this they called different - for example, 15% of respondents believe that women are constantly distracted from the road to fix the makeup or answer the phone call.

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Another 13% of men's drivers think that women are poorly focused on the terrain and are often disturbed by the wheel, which makes mistakes in management.

In addition, 10% of the survey participants said that all the accidents that occurred through the fault of women drivers occur due to the fact that the ladies are little familiar with the car and do not eliminate the existing defects in a timely manner.

But, justice, for the sake of, it should be noted that none of the respondents repeated a steady stereotype, which stacked that women commit accidents much more often than men. With reality, this statement has nothing to do, which is what these statistical data serve:

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Yes, they are 2 years old and cover the period from January to August inclusive. But, over the time since then, the situation with the accident remained the same.

Recall that today men's drivers in Russia are 5 times more than autoteda. But at the same time, last year, for example, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity committed 6 times less than an accident than male drivers.

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By the way, that ladies go much more careful, 60% of the survey participants expressed. 22% of them associate this pattern with more developed in women with a sense of self-preservation.

17% of respondents also explained it to congenital or grafted education accuracy, and another 14% more developed sense of responsibility. In addition, 7% of the surveyed praised representatives of the fine sex for the fact that they never ignore seat belts.

Many male drivers also noted such a positive quality of autoteda, as the drunkenness almost unconscious among them.

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Berta Benz in the car's car design.

In a word, the situation with attitudes towards women, controlled cars, is changing for the better - even slowly. But the ladies got behind the wheel almost simultaneously with the appearance of cars: the first in the world was the spouse of Charles Benz - Berta Benz, who performed a trip to the mother on the car.

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Princess Sofya Dolgorukova - the first car drivers in the Russian Empire

Even in our country, not distinguished by a high level of emancipation, charming ladies have mastered cars rather quickly. Moreover, among them, at least one car drivers - Princess Sophia Dolgorukova. And the first in the USSR by the motorist was known in his time the secular lioness Lily Bric.

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Famous in the USSR, the secular lioness Lily Bric became the first Soviet motorist.

Let us summarize the foregoing: the behavior of the driver on the road from its floor does not depend on the word "at all." It does not matter who behind the wheel is a woman or a man: the main role is played by knowledge and skills obtained in a driving school, as well as driving experience. Well, the upbringing is also not worth discounting.

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