Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos

Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos 16725_1
Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin


For Ganasha:

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Step 1

Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos 16725_2
Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Immediately turn on the oven, it should warm up to 180 degrees. Pries cut into small pieces.

Step 2.

Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos 16725_3
Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

The prunes should be 2 glasses (250 ml).

Pull the required amount of port.

Step 3.

Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos 16725_4
Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

In the scenery pour prunes wine and put on fire. Let boil and immediately remove the saucepiece from the fire, cover the lid and leave half an hour.

Step 4.

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Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Mix flour, salt, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and orange zest.

Step 5.

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Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Through the sieve to merge wine from the scenery. Save wine, it will still come in handy.

Step 6.

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Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Add prunes into a flour mixture and mix well.

Step 7.

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Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Wine mix with butter, natural yogurt and soda.

Step 8.

Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos 16725_9
Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Eggs slightly whipped with a fork, pour into the wine mixture and mix the wedge.

Step 9.

Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos 16725_10
Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Pour the wine mixture into dry and mix thoroughly.

Step 10.

Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos 16725_11
Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Baking shape lubricate with vegetable refined oil and lay out the dough. Form I have a round non-stick with a diameter of 26 cm with a "hole". Put in a preheated oven, bake at 180 degrees to dry matches. It takes from it from 60 to 70 minutes.

Step 11.

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Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Baking ready. Get out of the oven and leave to relax minutes 15-20. Then shifting the cupcake on the grid to the complete cooling.

Step 12.

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Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Ganash prepare very simple. Pour cream into a skeleton, add chocolate slices, stirred until the chocolate is melted. Tassel Apply Ganash to the surface of the cooled cupca.

Step 13.

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Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Optionally, you can decorate baking. I have a cup of orange on the cupcake.

Step 14.

Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with photos 16725_15
Cupcake with port and prunes, step-by-step recipe with Photo Admin

Spicy cupcake with port and prunes in the context.

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