Giant Spathifylums: a description of large varieties and the peculiarities of large-scale types

Giant Spathifylums: a description of large varieties and the peculiarities of large-scale types 16723_1

The story of a favorite plant is spathifylum begins in the XIX century. Gustav Wallis, German Botanist, accidentally discovered him on the shore of the reservoir in Colombia. He decided to bring flowers home to Europe. The plant received the informal name "Women's Happiness". They say such a flower revives the lost romance in the family, helps to meet love. The elimination of new types of spathifylum went successfully, and a giant variety of plants became one of the most vivid results of the work.

The history of the origin of giant varieties with large leaves

Big Spathiflums brought about 50 years ago to landscap the shaded buildings. They reach a length of more than 1.5 m and superbly carry the half. The plants have no stem. Huge leaves occupy 90 cm from the entire height of spathifylums. In width, they reach 40 cm. The spectacular white flower in length of 30-35 cm is located in the center of the plant.

Review and photos of the most popular large-scale giants

Giant Spathifylums: a description of large varieties and the peculiarities of large-scale types 16723_2

Two varieties of large spathifylums are well known:

  • Sensation (second name - Senseishn).
  • Royal.

Sort Sensation grows a bundle, from under the soil. The average height is 90 cm, but with good care can reach 1.5 meters. This is the largest variety. Burnt leaves are distinguished by a rich-green color, an elongated shape and a well-drawn ribbon.

Giant Spathifylums: a description of large varieties and the peculiarities of large-scale types 16723_3

Spathifylum sensation is not only beautiful, but also very useful for health flower. Large ribbed leaves perfectly clean the atmosphere from carbon dioxide and bacteria. The plant absorbs benzene and formaldehyde particles. It certainly needs to be purchased to people who have respiratory disorders.

Giant Spathifylums: a description of large varieties and the peculiarities of large-scale types 16723_4

Features of the care of large varieties of "female happiness"

Giant Spathifylums: a description of large varieties and the peculiarities of large-scale types 16723_5
  1. Big Spatifimlum - Capricional Purchase Plant. It must be placed on the floor, under the window, and watch that they do not get straight sunny rays. Otherwise, the flower turns yellow, the leaves become dry and sluggish.
  2. For proper care, it is important to choose a spacious pot (18-20 cm in diameter). We must pass 2-week acclimatization, and only then can be transplanted into a suitable pot. When transplanting the flower can not be filled with above the neck. The soil should include garden land, peat, humus and sand. Ratio: 4: 2: 2: 1.
  3. A special role in the proper care of the plant plays the room temperature in the room. It should be in the range from 18 to 25 degrees above zero. During rest, the permissible minimum is + 16c.
  4. Giant Spatifylum loves water. Daily, during the flowering period, twice a day, it must be sprayed from the sprayer. Wet wiping (without the use of chemical means) of each sheet separately.
  5. The plant is poured abundantly, but the waters are unacceptable. Water should be taken out in the room temperature. Before watering, pay attention to the top layer of the soil. He must be trying.
  6. The feeding is held once every 14 days from March to August. A horizontal laying solution is well suitable (20 g per 1 liter of water). You can use mineral fertilizers without lime content. It is necessary to breed them in warm water (1 g per 1 liter of water). During the rest (September-February), the feeding is not required. At this time, the plant should be protected from sudden temperature drops, drafts, abundance of moisture.

When there are several gigantic spathifylums in the room - it's incredibly beautiful! It is noticed that the magnificent "female happiness" improves the psychological microclimate in the house. A bright stylish flower is an excellent gift for many years.

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