The authorities announced the early discovery of the bridge through Zuush in Mtsensk. Make it should have been back in 2018

The authorities announced the early discovery of the bridge through Zuush in Mtsensk. Make it should have been back in 2018 1672_1

The reconstruction of the bridge through Zuush and the overpass of the overpass in Mtsensk Contractor plans to complete earlier than the scheduled period, the press service of the regional government reported.

According to representatives of the contractor LLC Oreldormost, the term of delivery of this facility according to plan is December 2021, but today the contractor works with a lead of the schedule, and it is possible to complete work this summer.

Today, the contracting organization works in the lower part of the bridge. In particular, work was already completed on the device of the PS 2, pairing of the bridge with embankments of approaches on both sides, as well as the installation of cosomers and staircase marches from the bridge.

"The contracting organization has begun to the structure of the PS1 retaining wall, provides preparatory work for the installation of water treatment plants and water-based trays on a span structure, clearing the territory for the device of approaches; Reconstruction of communication networks, earthworks on the cone device, "assured in the regional administration.

Simultaneously with the repair of the bridge, the Contractor is engaged in the overpass in the Streletsky lane, which also plans to pass ahead of time - in September, instead of December 2021.

"In the period of" windows ", which provides Russian Railways, builders perform work on an overpass. As soon as the regulated period of time comes to an end, they go to the repair of the bridge across the Zuush River, "the governor's press service clarified.

  • The bridge across the Pusha River on Karl Marx Street in Mtsensk was built in 1962. In 2009, the bridge was recognized as an emergency and closed for movement.
  • The reconstruction of the bridge through Zuhu began in the fall of 2016, although the movement on him of transport and pedestrians was blocked back in 2009 due to the emergency condition of the structure. For repair, Kursk OJSC "Stroymost", and work was planned to be completed by 2018.
  • In 2018, the bridge repair was never completed. The customer accepted and signed acts by almost 29.5 million rubles, although the overall financing of the reconstruction of the structure amounted to 268 million rubles. At the same time, the course of work caused many issues at that time in the temporarily acting governor of the Oryol region, and he took the situation under personal control.
  • In the summer of 2018, the reconstruction of the bridge was entrusted with a new contractor. The contract for work received regional gas distribution networks (the same company began repairing a bridge of "friendship" in Orel, but did not fulfill - the contract was terminal), the total amount of the contract amounted to about 241 million rubles. By the end of August 2018, the new contractor was supposed to provide project documentation, and the work itself was scheduled for 2019. However, the challenge of the deadlines began again. And the contractor again had to change.

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