17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears


We know our parents, grandparents as adults and serious people. But do not think at all about the fact that they were once children, adolescents and real Sorvigolov. But it is enough just to get an old photo album with dusty antleesole and a little more painting.

Adme.ru glanced at some retrofoto, who posted the children proud of their relatives.

"My mother-Philippinka on Halloween dressed as pressed from the film" Running on the blade. " 1985 "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_1
© Martsuia / Reddit

"My very elegant grandfather on a date with the future wife (she is in the center). Her sister goes as accompanying "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_2

"70s. My uncle, who worked on a bandwidth on the border with Mexico, looks straight as a guy from advertising Dr Pepper "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_3

"I have been waiting for the moment for a very long time to share this photo of my grandfather. Railwayman, Flower and, of course, Master Kung Fu "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_4
© attack_on_ti ** IE / Reddit

"60s. My grandmother and John Lennon "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_5
© Conkacola / Reddit

"My great-grandmother, who piloted aircraft"

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_6
© IAMTHE2ND / Reddit

"The wedding of my parents in the 80s. Dad Velor's Turquoise Vellar Shoes, and on Mom White Leather Dress "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_7
© Pixielix / Reddit

"From left to right: my cousins ​​and grandparents, great-grandmother. End of the 1960s "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_8
© Indian_Churchill / Reddit, © Indian_Churchill / Reddit

"My grandfather-Hindu broke all the rules of his family, which belonged to the highest caste: He married a girl of another culture. In England, he defended the first doctoral dissertation and met his love. Upon returning to India, he had to marry the bride, which parents chose. To avoid this, Grandfather received a degree in England, and then flew into Baltimore with his beloved to continue his studies at the university. His mother decided that it was enough with her, and went to him without warning. Arriving, she immediately went to his son, and when a blond girl opened the door to her, he almost happened to her heart attack. "

"My dad comes for some girl during the Fleetwood Mac concert"

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_9
© Deverafitness / Reddit

"My grandfather cuts easter ham and very happy. 1959 "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_10
© Vampyire / Reddit

"He worked as a bus driver and always wanted his grandchildren in college. Each of us eights has a bachelor's degree, and many and a master's degree. I think he looked truly cool. "

"Grandma with grandfather look at his only child, my father. They adored him. May 1954 "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_11
© Sproutlet81 / Reddit

"Mother and father. Clasp, long hair and platform. Typical British Wedding 70s "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_12
© Sproutlet81 / Reddit

"This is my grandfather in the 70s. At that time, he played the Temptations and performed the main batch on the pipe in the song "Papa Was A Rolling Stone" »

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_13
© Zionisalive / Reddit

"My father is a leading news. 1992, he is 25 years old

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_14

"My grandmother with her first car. In my opinion, she looks proudly "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_15
© GolfTheCar / Reddit

"My parents. 1975 "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_16
© Mscherie77 / Reddit

"Summer 1950. My grandmother is 15 years old, in the photo she is with her friends "

17 vintage photos, from viewing which a sweet taste of nostalgia appears 16711_17
© The_Arccentic_Fox95 / Reddit

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