Children and Mat: Tips for Child Psychologist

Children and Mat: Tips for Child Psychologist 16706_1

How to do so that the child does not swear with mat?

Answered here at leisure subscribers in Storsith. Theme is a children's mat. We have already mastered the theory, everyone listened lectures, go to practical seminars, and then questions begin, tasks with asterisks and generally children are not going to lead themselves as it was written in the textbook. I thought, I thought and decided to collect this category in a separate post.

1. How to make the child who do not swear, if dad swears with it?

It sounds like the same as "My husband constantly watering the child with boiling water, how to make burns to burn?" It is possible for a long time and stiguously smear by expensive creams, of course, but new sores will still appear. A significantly easier option seems to eliminate the cause of burns - stop pouring boiling water on the child. Therefore, we discuss the situation with your dad, bring arguments, we are looking for solutions. Magic tablet, which helps trouble parents to raise non-labeled children, I unfortunately, no.

2. What if the child learned Mata from Mom? Mom got excited ...

Let's be honest with yourself, first of all. If mom once, by chance, suddenly cut down in a child, herself was frightened and no longer, then the child is unlikely to immediately immediately become an avid Marthernik. If this "got excited" happened, we can talk to the child, to say that "Yes, the situation has already happened," to voice your feelings - "I am now very shameful and unpleasant," and explain the future plans - "I will make every effort to More this was not happening, because in our family it is unacceptable. " If in the family mat is not the norm, then in the family the child will not bring him. In the company - maybe, but it is especially for parents who establish the rules and hold their foundations, a very rare young revolutionary will be able to.

3. Does the comments of extraneous children? What situations do not do this?

Although we understand that it seems like we, adults, should influence the younger generation, a single answer, the law, I do not have rules. If you come back on the dark street at night and at the entrance, the company of adolescents squeezes beer and relevant, then to speak to them Aya-Yai is more expensive. If you go around the city and past walking guys, if you heard a single mat, if you are without a child, it is quite possible to skip it past the ears - in the end, you will not catch up with everyone and do not wash your tongues. However, at the playground, it is especially steep boys and devaams that can be made. Respectfully. From an adult position. Do not criticize and not educate, but remind rules. "Young people, you are on the playground around you a lot of kids, find another time and another place for obscene communication. Now it is important to change your lexicon. " In my experience, ashamed adolescents, half words do not understand, but the essence captures and quickly change the line of behavior or location.

4. How to be if a friend of her husband is not shy in expressions in children, can not resist?

It cannot be restraved - this is if he buses with the boss or makes it necessary to do itself into pants. I assume that a friend of her husband copes with these simple cases, which means that he is all right, he simply does not consider it necessary to strain. And then the question of your borders and borders of your home. We can voice the rules and expect their observance. Agree that if a person comes to us and throws smelly socks on the dining table, we will find the strength to make a remark to him. And if he considers it to be normal to KakAn in the middle of the room to our bright sofa, then I generally spend the door. Absolutely, we can also act with those who are being rejected with our children, and meet with such friends in neutral territory without children. All of their beliefs that "oh well, he doesn't understand anything in his three, he doesn't hear at five, at eight and so in the know," let them practice their offspring and then explain with the educators in the garden and teachers at school. Your home is your rules.

5. How to convey to the child that mat is not cool?

Sooner or later, the age will come when the child will not ask your opinion, which is cool, and what is not, it will determine and still with the neighboring Vaska will advise. Vaska has a serious life baggage in as many as 16 years, and the parents are nothing in our modern reality. And this is normal, so the nature was conceived. While this blissful moment did not come, we can try to slip our choi alternative - a company where it will be cool. For example, in the company of the skiers cool - to move from the Black Highway, and not carefully at the table. But! We will arrange alternatives, but the child can also take, and leave their own, there is no clock limit and perfection. Therefore, just breathe and wait when it is moved. In the end, I have not seen adults who are concrete concrete for this reason - whether they know.

6. The children asked why the mat.

Mom explained that they are so called. Children had questions - why not in other words? Why are these these people invented?

I would clarify otherwise, because the mat is not always about the call. When we tell the anecdote, we don't try to offend anyone. When the hammer hit the finger, we, too, not a piece of iron or handle personally insult. Mat is rather a bright expressant of human emotions. There are people who do not know how and cannot say "I hurt", "delightful", "I am delighted," "I am wildly scared." They did not teach them such, so they use what they can. You have a choice, a child, and I would really like you to learn more worthy option.

7. Mat can be explained only through the mat. And I am not worn under the children. How to be?

I do not agree. Well, the child came to you and says, so, they say, and so, Mother, I learned the new word Maternaya here, and it is not aware of it. The word begins on Buku X. Well, do you really not guess what he learned there? And already, if you guessed, you can safely explain that it is most likely about the male sexual authority, which is correctly called Penis. In general, words for the designation of this body are quite a lot: penis, home children's words "Pisyun" and so on. And Maternoe, crumbling - that's.

8. How then to explain the word to the child in the letter B?

Look, the child, this obscene word is already three meanings.

The first is interomotion, it is used as the word "damn".

The second is the expression of bright emotions, most often pain or annoyance.

The third is a woman who has a lot of sexual partners, sexual intercourse is without feelings, respect, love, sometimes for money.

In general, to spend freely with the child on the subject of Mata, you will first have to master the topic of sex education, discuss genitals, sexual intercourse, contraception, etc., such as prostitution and non-traditional sexual relations. Because he will bring different words.

9. And if the confusing word is straightforward?

With consoles and suffixes, what you won't guess in the first letter?

In this case, I calmly ask the child to tell me on the mind of this word. Being, of course, giggled from the awkwardness of the moment, and we both understand that what is happening is an exception to the rule. But in general, I don't see anything terrible in a situation: the child did not just carefully under the parents, but came to us as an intelligent dictionary, as the encyclopedia, came for knowledge and expansion of the horizon (yes yes, it also expands, and not Only study of geography and history of ancient Greek art). We calmly discuss, we will analyze and postpone as unnecessary. But an excessive interest will remove from a particular word and with the subject of Mata at all. I would like to put another tenth item for an even account, but questions ended. Write, and I will answer as far as possible.

In the first comment, I attach my first post on the theme of a children's mat - the basics, so to speak, the most compulsory theory for so much an unusual subject. I advise everyone to read, it seems to me that there is useful.

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