In Russia, proposed new measures to combat cybercrime in the CSTO

In Russia, proposed new measures to combat cybercrime in the CSTO 16686_1
In Russia, proposed new measures to combat cybercrime in the CSTO

CSTO Member States need to jointly deal with cybercrime. This was stated by the head of the Safety Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly CSTO Anatoly elected. He also revealed what measures to counteract modern threats should take parties to the military union.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the number of cybercrime in some countries increased by 90%, the head of the CSTO Safety Commission, the Russian deputy Anatoly elected. In his opinion, this state of affairs requires the joint efforts of the Country Safety Treaty Organization to develop new methods of opposition.

The elected elected that the problem of cybercrime exacerbates the activities of foreign states that lead the war in the information space. According to a member of the Parliamentary Assembly, their impact is often subjected to people from the CIS countries, including young people.

"Cyberbulling, for example, is exactly the case when through the Internet space using digital technologies and new opportunities, it is possible to affect the psyche, especially the younger generation," the elected one stressed. He also stated that this problem concerns all the states of the CSTO, and not individual members.

In order to confront such challenges, as well as the possible destabilization of the domestic political situation in the CSTO countries, it is necessary to regulate the legislation in these areas - the head of the Security Commission believes. According to him, legislative innovations must exceed a "defensive agenda", which responds to already available challenges.

We will remind, earlier in the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation stated that some countries unleashed the information war against Russia and Belarus. In the foreign policy department, they noted that foreign states use modern technologies and methods of manipulating public opinion in order to radicalize protest sentiment.

Read more about the impact of the CSTO to the information security of the participating countries, read in the "Eurasia.Expert" material.

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